In our dynamic digital era, ensuring the security of your website has become paramount, not only for you but for your visitors too. One notable tool that offers this security is SSL/HTTPS. With search giant Google favoring SSL/HTTPS websites in its rankings and browsers like Google Chrome flagging non-HTTPS sites as "Not Secure", it's become essential to implement SSL on your Joomla site.

How to enable SSL/HTTPS on a Joomla site

In this guide, we'll dive deep into:

  • The significance of SSL/HTTPS
  • Quick SSL solutions through hosting providers
  • Cloudflare's user-friendly SSL service
  • Manual methods for the tech-savvy
  • Troubleshooting common issues like mixed content warnings

Why SSL/HTTPS is a Must for Your Joomla Site

SSL/HTTPS is a protocol used to secure and encrypt communication between a user's browser and the web server. This ensures that all data transmitted remains private and integral.

An easy way to identify whether a site has SSL is by checking its URL. Non-secured sites begin with http://, while secured ones start with https://.

Beyond user security, integrating SSL into your website has added benefits like improved website credibility and enhanced SEO ranking on search engines.

Swift Activation: Obtain SSL from Your Web Host

Most reputable hosting providers today understand the importance of security. Consequently, they offer SSL certificates to their customers, some even free of charge.

  1. Initiate the process: Reach out to your hosting provider and inquire about their SSL offerings. Check if they support free SSL options such as Let's Encrypt.
  2. cPanel and AutoSSL: If your hosting dashboard uses cPanel, you can almost instantly secure your domain using the AutoSSL feature. For a step-by-step guide on using AutoSSL, refer to this cPanel's official tutorial.

Cost-Effective and Simple: Cloudflare’s Flexible SSL

Cloudflare stands as a testament to how web security and performance solutions can be both robust and accessible. They offer a free service named 'Flexible SSL' to effortlessly secure your website.

Cloudflare Flexible SSL

Figure: Navigating Cloudflare's user interface.

Steps to activate Cloudflare’s Flexible SSL:

  1. Register on Cloudflare and add your website.
  2. Let Cloudflare scan and import your DNS records. This may take a few minutes.
  3. Once verified, follow the setup guidelines provided in Cloudflare's official tutorial.
  4. Update your domain's Name Servers at your domain registrar with the ones provided by Cloudflare.
  5. Set up the 'Always HTTPS' Page Rule for your domain. Detailed guidelines can be found here.
  6. In the Cloudflare dashboard, navigate to the 'Crypto' section and set the SSL mode to 'Flexible'.

With Cloudflare configured, turn your attention to Joomla:

  1. Go to System > Global Configuration > Server tab
  2. Choose 'Entire Site' in the 'Force HTTPS' option.
  3. 'Save & Close' your settings.

Joomla-side configuration to turn HTTPS on

Figure: Joomla's interface for SSL integration.

Manual Methods: Tailored SSL Implementation

For those who want a more hands-on approach or are interested in premium SSL certificates, manual configuration offers a more tailored solution.

On cPanel:

  1. Purchase and activate your chosen SSL certificate.
  2. Access your website's cPanel interface.

cPanel SSL/TLS Manager

Figure: cPanel's SSL/TLS Manager.

  1. Navigate to the Security section > SSL/TLS Manager.
  2. Choose Manage SSL Sites under the 'Install and Manage SSL for your site (HTTPS)' section.
  3. Copy and paste your SSL certificate code (provided by your certificate authority) into the designated field.
  4. If your system doesn't auto-fill the remaining fields, manually input the necessary details.
  5. Click on 'Install Certificate'.

After the server-side configuration, redirect your efforts towards Joomla:

  1. Visit the System > Global Configuration > Server tab.
  2. Set 'Force HTTPS' to 'Entire Site'.
  3. Save the changes.

Activating SSL on Joomla

Figure: Activating SSL on Joomla.

Remember to clear both your browser cache and server-side cache after these steps.

Eliminating Mixed Content Warnings on Joomla

When a site references both secured and non-secured content, browsers will often display a mixed content warning. Addressing this is crucial to ensure a consistent user experience.

The primary strategy involves serving all content, including images, attachments, and scripts, via HTTPS. However, certain challenges may require advanced troubleshooting. To comprehensively resolve these issues, check our detailed guide on "SSL check & fix".

SSL/HTTPS integration might seem technical, but with our comprehensive guide, securing your Joomla site becomes straightforward. Implementing SSL not only safeguards your site but also boosts user trust and enhances search engine performance. Let us know your SSL journey in the comments below. Stay safe and happy developing!

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Published: 23-02-2019

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