Module BT Social Login is an extended version of the authentication module for sites running CMS Joomla, from the team of developers BowThemes. The module allows the authorization on the website if the user's account in one of popular social networks FaceBook, Twitter or Google.

Extension Version: 1.1.8
Joomla extension BT Social Login

Extension Description

This extension is intended for blogs, informational and corporate websites on which users spend authorization for comment, the publication of materials and other tasks. Module BT Social Login is compatible with the latest versions of Joomla, this to avoid problems with the functioning of the site, it is not necessary to apply it on older versions of CMS.

To work module must be installed on the site, as well as to create applications in each of the social networks. The procedure of building applications are detailed in the documentation, which includes the extension Joomla. The main features of the authentication module can be considered to be construction operations authorization check on ajax technology, the possibility of registering in social networks from the window module, cross-browser compatibility, support for component K2, Jomsocial, etc.. The BT Social Login extension is paid, but given the quality of design, increase functionality of website - value symbolic, plus the ability to download free via our subscription.

In General, a Joomla module is a great solution for user authentication, and the use of modern programming technologies make the extension still safe!

Extension Features:

  • The choice of topics: a pop-up window or drop-down list when you hover or click on the link.
  • Quick login and register thanks Ajax technology.
  • Authorization and registration via social accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus).
  • The module supports К2, JomSocial, Community Builder and custom extensions.
  • The possibility of extending the user profile with additional fields, for example you can add multiple fields on the day of birth, age or field. When you authorize using the social.networks, the user profile is automatically filled in.
  • Redirect to the specified page, or when logging out of your profile.
  • Browser support: IE7 +, Firefox 2+, Safari 3+, Chrome 8+, Opera 9.


Release date: 24-12-2014
Last updated: 12-05-2015
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Access & Security
Compatibility: J2.5 J3.x
Includes: Module
Language packs: English
Developer: BowThemes

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