JB Flight is a versatile booking component designed for Joomla websites. This extension offers seamless integration for managing bookings, reservations, and appointments efficiently. With its user-friendly interface, this extension provides a convenient solution for businesses in various industries requiring online booking services. Extension for Joomla enhances website functionality, enabling users to book services, schedule appointments, and manage availability effortlessly

Extension Version: 3.0.0
Joomla extension JB Flight

Extension Features

JB Flight is a complete air booking component. You can manage business in the back-end and use this one to make booking website for small airplanes or charter airlines, aviation company.

The booking component for Joomla, JB Flight, boasts a range of features catering to different needs. It allows businesses to customize booking forms, set pricing options, and manage multiple bookings simultaneously. This extension also provides a calendar view to track bookings, send reminders, and notifications to clients, enhancing the overall booking experience. Furthermore, component supports various payment gateways, offering flexibility for processing payments securely.

One of the key benefits of this extension is its responsive design, ensuring a seamless booking experience across different devices. Whether users access the website from a desktop, tablet, or mobile phone, JB Flight adapts to provide an optimal booking interface. This responsiveness enhances user engagement and encourages more bookings, contributing to the success of businesses relying on online reservations.

Moreover, componentintegrates with popular Joomla templates, allowing users to maintain a consistent design language throughout their website. This seamless integration enhances the overall aesthetic appeal and user experience of the booking component. Businesses can customize the extension to match their branding, creating a cohesive and professional online booking platform that resonates with their target audience.

In summary, JB Flight is a powerful extension for Joomla that streamlines the booking process for businesses across various industries. Its robust features, responsive design, and seamless integration make it a valuable asset for those looking to enhance their online booking capabilities. Whether managing hotel reservations, appointment bookings, or event registrations, component provides a comprehensive solution to meet diverse booking needs.


Release date: 19-11-2014
Last updated: 26-07-2021
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Calendars & Events
Compatibility: J3.x
Includes: Component
Language packs: English
Developer: JoomBooking

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