Use a complete testimonials solution with the option for your users to send data directly through your website as text, photo or video. Choose one between various ready to use layout options and set the display according to your need.

Extension Version: 1.4.4
Joomla extension No Boss User Testimonials Pro

Extension Features

No Boss User Testimonials Pro is a powerful extension for Joomla that allows website owners to seamlessly integrate user testimonials into their websites. This extension offers a comprehensive platform for collecting and displaying customer feedback, helping businesses build trust and credibility with their audience.

With User Testimonials Pro, users can easily create a dedicated section on their website where customers can submit their testimonials. This extension provides a user-friendly interface that simplifies the process of submitting testimonials, making it convenient for customers to share their feedback.

Once testimonials are submitted, website owners have full control over the display and management of these reviews. Component offers various customization options, allowing users to tailor the appearance and layout of the testimonials to match their websites design. From choosing the number of testimonials displayed per page to selecting custom templates and styles, this extension offers the flexibility to create a seamless integration with any Joomla website.

Additionally, component includes advanced filtering options, allowing website owners to curate testimonials based on specific criteria. Whether its displaying testimonials from a particular time period, only showing reviews with high ratings, or filtering testimonials by specific categories or tags, this extension provides the tools to organize and showcase testimonials in a way that best suits the needs of the website.

The No Boss User Testimonials Pro extension is also fully responsive, ensuring that testimonials display correctly on all devices, including mobile phones and tablets. This feature ensures a consistent user experience across different platforms, maximizing the impact of testimonials regardless of the device being used.

Furthermore, component offers built-in SEO features that help improve the visibility of testimonials on search engine results pages. By optimizing the metadata and markup of testimonials, this extension enhances the chances of testimonials being discovered by potential customers, ultimately driving more traffic to the website.

In conclusion, the No Boss User Testimonials Pro extension for Joomla provides a comprehensive solution for collecting, managing, and displaying customer testimonials. With its intuitive interface, customization options, and advanced filtering capabilities, this extension allows website owners to showcase user feedback in a way that is visually appealing and tailored to their specific needs. By incorporating this extension into their Joomla websites, businesses can enhance their credibility, build trust with their audience, and ultimately improve their online presence.


Release date: 19-11-2014
Last updated: 29-03-2022
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Contacts & Feedback
Compatibility: J3.x J4.x
Includes: Component Module
Language packs: English
Developer: No Boss

4.5 1 1 1 1 1 (160 Votes)

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