JA Weather is a weather module for Joomla, designed to provide users with up-to-date weather information directly on their Joomla websites. This extension allows website owners to display weather forecasts, current conditions, and other related information to enhance the user experience and improve the overall functionality of their websites.

Extension Version: 1.1.0
Joomla extension JA Weather

Extension Features

With this extension, users can easily configure and customize the weather module according to their preferences and requirements. It offers a variety of options to choose from, including the ability to display weather information for specific locations, set the temperature unit, select the desired layout, and adjust the refresh interval for data updates.

One of the key features of this extension is its integration with various weather data providers, such as OpenWeatherMap and Weather.com. This integration ensures that the displayed weather information is accurate and reliable, as it is sourced directly from trusted weather data sources. Users can choose their preferred weather data provider and configure the module accordingly.

The JA Weather extension also provides extensive styling options, allowing users to customize the modules appearance to match the overall design of their websites. Users can select from different predefined styles or create their own custom styles using CSS.

Furthermore, this extension is highly flexible and can be easily integrated into different Joomla templates and modules positions. It supports responsive design, ensuring that the weather module is displayed correctly on both desktop and mobile devices.

In addition to displaying weather information, this extension offers additional features to enhance the user experience. For example, users can configure the module to display weather icons, provide links to detailed weather forecasts, and even enable geolocation to automatically detect and display the weather for the users current location.

Overall, the JA Weather extension is a valuable tool for Joomla users who want to provide their website visitors with accurate and visually appealing weather information. Its versatility, customization options, and integration with reputable weather data providers make it a reliable and user-friendly choice for adding weather functionality to Joomla websites. Whether its for personal blogs, news websites, or business pages, this extension is a valuable addition to any Joomla-powered website.


Release date: 14-01-2019
Last updated: 09-01-2024
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Maps & Weather
Compatibility: J3.x J4.x
Includes: Module
Language packs: English
Developer: JoomlArt

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