Perfect Open Graph Tags is a Joomla extension that functions as an invisible tags plugin with images. It enhances Joomla websites by effectively managing open graph tags crucial for social media sharing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). This extension ensures that the correct metadata, including titles, descriptions, and images, is displayed when a webpage is shared on various social media platforms, optimizing the visual representation and driving engagement.

Extension Version: 1.1.11
Joomla extension Perfect Open Graph Tags

Extension Features

Enhancing the online presence of Joomla websites, Perfect Open Graph Tags streamlines the process of setting up and managing open graph tags without the need for manual intervention. It allows users to specify default tags, which automatically populate across the site or customize tags on individual pages. The image integration feature enables the association of compelling images with shared links, making content more visually appealing and increasing click-through rates on social media platforms.

With this extension, Joomla site owners can ensure that their content appears consistently attractive and well-structured when shared on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. By controlling how content is previewed on social media, this extension empowers users to create a cohesive branding experience and drive traffic to their websites effectively. Additionally, the seamless integration of open graph tags helps in improving a sites SEO performance by providing search engines with relevant information to index and display on search engine results pages.

The extensions user-friendly interface and intuitive setup process make it accessible to both novice and experienced Joomla users. It offers a comprehensive solution to streamline social sharing optimization, eliminating the need for manual tag configurations and ensuring that all shared content reflects the intended branding and messaging. By automating the management of open graph tags, this extension simplifies the implementation of best practices for social media sharing and SEO, ultimately contributing to increased visibility and engagement for Joomla websites.

In conclusion, this extension is a valuable tool for Joomla website owners looking to enhance their social media presence and optimize their content for better visibility and engagement. By automating the management of open graph tags and images, it simplifies the process of creating compelling social media previews, ultimately improving the sites reach and impact across various online platforms.


Release date: 19-11-2014
Last updated: 14-09-2016
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Marketing & SEO
Compatibility: J3.x
Includes: Plugin
Language packs: English
Developer: -

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