JB Dribblr is a versatile module designed to enhance Joomla websites with dynamic and interactive content display features. It enables users to seamlessly integrate engaging feeds, such as social media updates, news articles, or other customizable content, directly into their Joomla-powered platforms. This extension offers a user-friendly interface for effortless configuration and customization, making it an ideal choice for those looking to boost the visual appeal and functionality of their Joomla websites.

Extension Version: 1.0.0
Joomla extension JB Dribblr

Extension Features

Allow JB Dribblr to elevate the user experience by creating visually stunning feeds that seamlessly blend with the overall design of the site. With its responsive design and intuitive settings, this tool ensures that the displayed content adapts flawlessly to various screen sizes, guaranteeing a consistent and attractive layout across different devices. Whether showcasing portfolio items, testimonials, or any type of content, it empowers users to captivate visitors and keep them engaged.

By leveraging this Joomla module, website owners can effortlessly curate fresh and relevant content to keep their audience informed and entertained. The extensions robust filtering options and content source integrations allow for precise content selection and display, enabling users to tailor their feeds to meet specific requirements. With its seamless integration capabilities, this tool offers a convenient solution for maintaining dynamic and up-to-date content sections on Joomla websites.

Enhance the visual appeal of Joomla sites with extensive styling options and customizable layouts. The module provides a range of design choices, including grid or carousel layouts, animations, color schemes, and typography settings, empowering users to create visually striking and personalized content displays. Whether aiming for a sleek and modern look or a more vibrant and dynamic presentation, it offers the flexibility to achieve diverse design goals effortlessly.

With this Joomla module, users can effortlessly implement a professional and dynamic content presentation solution that enriches the visual appeal and functionality of their websites. From seamless integration and intuitive customization to responsive design and versatile styling options, it equips users with the tools needed to create engaging and visually captivating content displays that resonate with their audience. Elevate your Joomla website with this module and unlock new possibilities for content showcase and audience engagement.


Release date: 28-04-2013
Last updated: 28-04-2013
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Miscellaneous
Compatibility: J3.x
Includes: Module
Language packs: English
Developer: JoomlaBamboo

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