An ideal tool for website owners hoping to make a visual impact, this Joomla extension serves as an efficacious solution for the smooth display of client logos. Marrying efficiency with sleek design, the tool brings functionality and aesthetic appeal to any platform. It effortlessly handles a wide range of logos, varying in size and shape, and scrolls them across ones web interface in a captivating, uninterrupted motion.

Extension Version: 3.3.0
Joomla extension OT Client Logos Scroller

Extension Description

In the vast pool of Joomla extensions, the given tool sets itself apart with its highly specialized function. It is engineered specifically to manage and showcase logos, making it a valuable asset for businesses and web developers alike. Its primary role consists of enabling website owners to present their partnerships, clients, or associates in a simplified and organized manner.

The OT Client Logos Scroller is technologically advanced, yet it maintains a user-friendly interface. Its design principle is based on ease of use; consequently, even those with limited technical knowledge can take advantage of its features. From the initial setup to the final display of logos, the process is intuitive and straightforward, relieving website owners of potential stress related to website management.

One prominent feature of the extension is the customizable scroll function. By default, the logos placed in its care flow seamlessly across the screen, creating an animated display. However, this motion is not restricted to a singular direction or speed. The user retains control over these variables, making it possible to set a scroll path and rate that meets their specific requirements or preferences.

Layout is another aspect where this extension shines. It allows users to determine the number of logos seen per screen, enabling one to control the visual density of their display. Furthermore, it also supports the adjustment of border margins between logos, giving the user more power over the arrangement and presentation of the logos.

The extension also ensures the visibility of logos across various devices. It automatically adjusts the size of the displayed images depending on the screens resolution, maintaining a balanced and attractive display on all platforms. This automatic responsiveness ensures that website viewers will get an optimal experience, regardless of the device they use to access the site.

An equally noteworthy feature is the extensions ability to add hyperlinks to logos. In other words, users can assign each logo to a specific URL, allowing visitors to be redirected to the related webpage upon a simple click. This feature enhances site interaction and provides a seamless browsing experience.

Updates and ongoing maintenance of this extension are uncomplicated and efficient. Users can easily add or remove logos as their business needs evolve. The interface provides immediate feedback on adjustments, with the newly updated logos appearing or disappearing from the main scroll virtually in real time.

Being a unique tool designed to amplify the visual content of a website, this extension significantly reduces the workload of managing corporate logos. Its user-friendly design, combined with its adaptability and responsive display, makes it an invaluable addition to any professional website.

In conclusion, the versatile features and capacious compatibility of this Joomla extension make it an essential tool for any digital platform aiming to create a visually appealing and interactive showcase for client logos. Its ease of use, guaranteed responsiveness, and customizable settings ensure an optimized user experience, contributing to a well-oiled, professional online presence.

The given Joomla extension, OT Client Logos Scroller, is not merely an accessory in a digital toolbox - it is a game-changer, revolutionizing how client logos are displayed, and providing the tools to assemble a visually dynamic, professional, and user-friendly platform for businesses to connect with their audience.


Release date: 13-09-2012
Last updated: 11-03-2016
Type: Free
Subject: News Display
Compatibility: J3.x
Includes: Module
Language packs: English
Developer: OmegaTheme

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