Top Posters for Kunena is a Joomla extension that allows users to display the top posters on their Kunena forum. This powerful extension is designed to provide forum administrators with valuable insights into the activity and engagement of their users. With Top Posters for Kunena, administrators can easily identify the most active and influential contributors to their forum, highlighting their vital role in fostering discussions and building a sense of community.

Extension Version: 2.0.4
Joomla extension Top Posters for Kunena

Extension Features

By using Top Posters for Kunena, forum administrators gain a comprehensive view of which users are the most active and prolific in terms of posting content. This information can be instrumental in recognizing and rewarding these users for their contributions, as well as encouraging others to actively participate in discussions. Moreover, the extension offers valuable data that can help administrators identify trending topics and popular discussions, enabling them to curate and facilitate engagement within the forum.

One of the notable features of Kuneze Top Posters for Kunena is its flexibility and customizable options. Administrators have the ability to set various parameters for determining the top posters, such as the time period to consider, the number of users to display, and the criteria for ranking. This allows for a tailored and personalized approach, ensuring that the displayed top posters accurately reflect the unique dynamics and preferences of each forum.

Implemented as a module, the extension can be easily positioned and styled within the Joomla framework, seamlessly integrating with the existing forum layout. This seamless integration ensures a smooth user experience and maintains the overall aesthetics of the forum, while still providing the necessary functionality and insights. The extension is also designed to be lightweight and optimized for performance, ensuring minimal impact on the overall speed and efficiency of the forum.

With Top Posters for Kunena, administrators have a powerful tool at their disposal to track and showcase the most active contributors within their Kunena forum. This extension empowers administrators to gain valuable insights, engage with users, and foster a thriving community of active participants. Whether its acknowledging top contributors, analyzing engagement patterns, or simply fostering a sense of competition, Top Posters for Kunena provides the necessary functionality to take any Kunena forum to the next level.


Release date: 19-11-2020
Last updated: 04-03-2019
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Photos & Images for Kunena
Compatibility: J3.x
Includes: Module
Language packs: English
Developer: Kuneze

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