Fast social share buttons is a powerful plugin that allow you to display social share buttons for most social network like twitter, facebook, google, pinterest, linkedin without slow down your site performance and avoiding to irritate users. Fast social share is the first Joomla! extension plugin written entirely in optimized way so that site performance will remain the same. Most social share plugin use standard code to embed buttons and make your site painfully slow.

Extension Version: 3.8.0
Joomla extension Fast Social Share

Extension Description

Fast Social Share is an extension for Joomla that provides seamless integration of social sharing buttons on websites. With easy setup and configuration, it allows users to quickly share content across various social media platforms, enhancing the reach and visibility of the websites content. This tool streamlines the process of social sharing, making it convenient for both website owners and visitors.

It offers a wide range of customization options, enabling users to tailor the appearance and functionality of the social sharing buttons to suit their websites design and branding. From choosing different button styles to selecting preferred social media platforms, users have the flexibility to create a cohesive sharing experience that aligns with their websites aesthetics. Additionally, this extension ensures responsive design, optimizing the display of social buttons across devices for a seamless user experience.

One of the key features of Fast Social Share is its analytics tracking capability, allowing users to monitor and analyze social sharing activities directly from the Joomla backend. This valuable data provides insights into which content is being shared most frequently and on which platforms, enabling users to refine their content strategy and focus on creating highly shareable content. With this information at their fingertips, users can make informed decisions to enhance their websites social engagement.

Moreover, this extension prioritizes performance optimization, ensuring that the social sharing buttons load quickly and do not impact the overall speed and performance of the Joomla website. By maintaining efficient loading times, it contributes to a positive user experience and helps boost the websites SEO rankings. Its lightweight design and coding practices make it a valuable addition to any Joomla site looking to leverage the power of social media for increased visibility and engagement.

In addition to its user-friendly interface and robust feature set, Fast Social Share receives regular updates and support from its developers, ensuring compatibility with the latest Joomla versions and security standards. This commitment to ongoing maintenance and improvement underscores the extensions reliability and longevity, offering users peace of mind knowing that their social sharing functionality is in good hands. Overall, it is a versatile and powerful tool for enhancing social engagement on Joomla websites, making it a valuable asset for website owners seeking to boost their online presence.


Release date: 18-11-2014
Last updated: 22-02-2021
Type: Free
License: GPL 
Subject: Social Web
Compatibility: J2.5 J3.x
Includes: Plugin
Language packs: English
Developer: JeXtensions Store

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