The term VM Extra Product is a plugin field designed to seamlessly integrate additional products into VirtueMart. It enhances the functionality of your VirtueMart setup, allowing for a more versatile product management system. By incorporating this extension, users can conveniently add a diverse range of products to their VirtueMart store with ease.

Extension Version: 1.0.4
Joomla extension VM Extra Product

Extension Features

This solution provides a user-friendly interface, simplifying the process of including new products in the VirtueMart inventory. With its intuitive design, managing and updating products becomes a streamlined task for administrators. The extension offers a seamless experience for users looking to expand their product offerings within the VirtueMart framework.

With this extension, users can enjoy enhanced flexibility and customization options when it comes to product management within VirtueMart. It opens up opportunities for showcasing a wider array of products, catering to diverse customer needs. By utilizing this plugin field, businesses can optimize their product catalog and provide a more comprehensive shopping experience for their customers.

Moreover, VM Extra Product facilitates the efficient organization of products within VirtueMart, enhancing the overall browsing and shopping experience for customers. It allows for better categorization and display of products, making it easier for users to navigate through the store and locate items of interest. The extension plays a pivotal role in improving the overall user experience and optimizing product visibility within VirtueMart.

In addition, this extension integrates seamlessly with VirtueMart, ensuring compatibility and smooth operation within the platform. Its robust features and functionalities complement the existing capabilities of VirtueMart, enhancing the overall performance of the e-commerce store. By leveraging this extension, users can elevate their VirtueMart store to new heights and unlock a host of benefits for both administrators and customers.


Release date: 19-11-2014
Last updated: 17-04-2019
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Specific for VirtueMart
Compatibility: J3.x
Includes: Plugin
Language packs: English
Developer: -

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