ZL ZOOfilter is an advanced search module that has been specially designed for ZOO materials in Joomla. This extension offers a wide range of features that allow users to easily search and filter through ZOO items, enabling them to find exactly what they are looking for. With the ZL ZOOfilter, users can effortlessly narrow down their search criteria based on various custom fields and parameters, resulting in more precise and targeted search results.

Extension Version: 3.4.1
Joomla extension ZL ZOOfilter

Extension Description

The ZL ZOOfilter extension provides a seamless integration with Joomla and ZOO, ensuring a smooth and user-friendly experience. Its intuitive interface allows users to easily set up and configure the search module according to their specific requirements. With its flexible options, users can define the search filters they want to include, such as dropdown lists, checkboxes, radio buttons, and text fields. This enables users to create a highly customized search experience that aligns with their websites unique needs.

One of the key advantages of this extension is its ability to handle large amounts of data with ease. Whether a website has a small or extensive ZOO catalog, the extension can efficiently handle the search process and deliver fast results. This ensures that users can quickly find the information they need, without having to wait for long loading times or get overwhelmed with irrelevant search results.

In addition, the ZL ZOOfilter offers a responsive design, making it compatible with various devices and screen sizes. This means that users can access the search module from their desktop computers, tablets, or smartphones, ensuring a consistent experience across different platforms. The extension also provides support for multilingual content, allowing users to conduct searches in different languages and cater to a diverse audience.

Furthermore, the extension offers robust filtering options that enable users to narrow down their search results based on specific attributes or characteristics of the ZOO items. Users can effectively filter their searches by category, price range, date, location, or any other custom fields that have been set up in ZOO. This ensures that users can find the exact information or products they are interested in, greatly enhancing the usability and effectiveness of the search module.

With its extensive features and seamless integration with Joomla and ZOO, the ZL ZOOfilter extension is a highly valuable tool for websites that utilize ZOO materials. This advanced search module empowers users to effortlessly search and filter through a large volume of data, ensuring a streamlined and efficient user experience. Whether it is for e-commerce websites, directories, or any other ZOO-based platforms, the ZL ZOOfilter extension provides the necessary functionality to optimize the search process and improve overall website usability.


It requires mandatory installation of the framework of free ZL Framework.


Release date: 18-11-2014
Last updated: 30-01-2020
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Specific for ZOO
Compatibility: J3.x
Includes: Module Plugin
Language packs: English
Developer: ZOOlanders

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