EnergizeThemes Energize is a professional business template designed specifically for Joomla, the popular content management system. This template offers a sleek and modern design, combined with a range of powerful features that make it an ideal choice for businesses of all sizes.

Template Version: 3.2.0
SafariJoomla template EnergizeThemes Energize

Template Description

The templates responsive design ensures that it looks great on any device, whether its a desktop computer, tablet, or mobile phone. This means that your website will always appear clean and professional, regardless of the screen size.

EnergizeThemes Energize provides a range of customization options, allowing you to make it your own and tailor it to your specific needs. You can easily change the color scheme, fonts, and layouts to match your brand identity and create a unique online presence.

The template includes a variety of pre-designed page layouts, making it quick and easy to create different sections of your website. Whether you need a homepage, about us page, services page, or contact page, this template has you covered.

One of the standout features of this Joomla template is its built-in drag-and-drop page builder. This intuitive tool allows even novice users to easily create and edit pages without needing to write any code. You can simply drag and drop elements onto the page and customize them to your liking.

The template also includes a range of useful extensions, including a slideshow module, portfolio module, and news module. These extensions add additional functionality to your website and make it easy to showcase your products, projects, or news updates.

EnergizeThemes Energize is built on the latest web technologies, ensuring that your website performs optimally and loads quickly. It is also optimized for search engines, helping your website rank higher in search results and attract more organic traffic.

In summary, EnergizeThemes Energize is a versatile and powerful template for Joomla, offering a range of features and customization options to help you create a stunning business website. With its responsive design, drag-and-drop page builder, and various extensions, this template provides everything you need to establish a professional online presence.

Template Features:

  • Actual and secure code, the latest versions of PHP and MySQL.
  • Support compression of JavaScript and CSS to speed up website.
  • Compliance with standards W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional and W3C CSS Valid.
  • Template frame comprises 30+ positions for the location of the modules and 4 color suffix.
  • The theme covers a selection of 4 colors scheme of the web site.
  • The ability to change the background image for the main color themes, template parameters.
  • Advanced typography for a custom design content.
  • Has support for Google fonts and RTL/LTR languages.
  • Several types of menus: Mega Menu, Split Menu and Drop Line Menu with smooth effects.
  • Includes support for CCK component of K2 content management, and other popular extensions.
  • Support for Retina displays and large-format monitors with high resolution!
  • Demo QuickStart package with support version of CMS Joomla! 3.2.


Release date: 20-07-2012
Last updated: 22-02-2015
Type: Premium
License: GPL 
Subject: Blog Business
Compatibility: J3.x
QuickStart: Joomla! 3.2
Developer: EnergizeThemes

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General Features:



The framework provides an easy access to hundreds of powerful features and tools for more flexible customization and create amazing websites based on Joomla.

Responsive Design

Fully flexible layout template perfectly adapts to the users browser width. And great is displayed on your PC, iPad, iPhone and other mobile devices.


Template has a wide range of benefits, since only uses modern web technologies: HTML5, CSS3, LESS, JQuery and Bootstrap 3.

Quick Start

Install a complete Joomla! website containing demo content, styles and preconfigured extensions to get started in minutes.


Impeccable work in all modern browsers, such as Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, Netscape, Yandex Browser and Internet Explorer 10+.

SEO optimization

Code template database is fully optimized to ensure good indexing and the presence of your site by Joomla Search Engine.


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