Even at the first stage of planning a site there are a lot of questions that can frighten an inexperienced person in this matter and then a failure is a more likely outcome of an event. As a rule, most do not want to associate themselves with the long-term development process, not to mention significant investments. But the creation of the site in the network has long ceased to be such a time-consuming task. Today it can be done in just a few minutes with the JSN Megazine 2 template available.

Template Version: 2.1.5
SafariJoomla template JoomlaShine Megazine 2

Template Description

It was specially designed to create a news portal. Suitable for any news TV channels, print media and bloggers. The main distinguishing feature of JoomlaShine Megazine 2 is the large content capacity. On such a site it will be possible to publish not only summaries of the latest events in the world, but also articles with audio and video materials.

The Joomla template has six different color styles and three kinds of menus, one of which supports image mounting. The administrative part of the site boasts advanced features to customize the design. Here you will find many fonts, a color editor, social icons, as well as you can put your own logo and many more. The main page is visually divided into several sections, in each of which you can add several modules. Here are some of them: the latest news, a slide show, an upgrade subscription, advertising banners, our team, different text information. In addition to the template JSN Megazine 2 was added a page layout with a countdown counter before the event. Visitors can leave comments on articles in the blog, as well as post a rating.

Do not deny yourself the pleasure of opening your own website on the Internet, because it does not require much effort. JoomlaShine templates are perfectly installed without assistance for a couple of minutes, have an attractive appearance, as well as a lot of useful settings.

Template Features:

  • The template is constantly updated to the latest versions of Joomla!.
  • The presence of PSD files for easy changes to the design template.
  • QuickStart package - to quickly launch a fully customized site as a demo.
  • Actual and secure code, the latest versions of PHP and MySQL.
  • Support compression of JavaScript and CSS to speed up website.
  • Compliance with standards W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional and W3C CSS Valid.
  • Layout template contains 30+ positions for the location of the modules and 6 color suffix.
  • The template has 6 stunning color schemes.
  • The ability to change the background image for the main color themes, template parameters.
  • Advanced typography for a custom design content.
  • Has support for Google fonts and RTL/LTR languages.
  • Several types of menus, Mega Menu, Dropline Menu, CSS Menu, with smooth animation effects.
  • Includes support for CCK component of K2 content management, and forum Kunena and other popular extensions.
  • Demo Package Pro Unlimited version of CMS Joomla! 3.9.


Release date: 01-12-2016
Last updated: 06-09-2021
Type: Premium
License: GPL 
Subject: Portals & Catalogs News
Compatibility: J3.x
QuickStart: Joomla! 3.9
Developer: JoomlaShine

4.4588235294118 1 1 1 1 1 (170 Votes)

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General Features:


JSN Framework

Combining the convenience, flexibility and functionality, JSN framework includes a large set of tools to facilitate the template setting.

Responsive Design

Dynamic template design ensures the correct display of the website on mobile devices and desktop screens with different screen resolutions.


Modern web technologies offer a rich set of features and benefits. The template is designed using HTML5, CSS3, LESS, JQuery and Bootstrap.

Quick Start

Get started in minutes using the installation template with pre-configured extensions styles and demo content.


The pattern is displayed with the same degree of readability in all modern browsers, such as Internet Explorer 9+, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera.

SEO optimization

Template is fully optimized for SEO, which ensures seamless index and the presence of your website in search engines.


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