BookingPress Multi-Language is a powerful add-on for the popular WordPress plugin, BookingPress. This plugin allows users to easily create a multilingual website for their booking system, making it accessible to a wider audience. With this add-on, website owners can translate their booking pages, calendars, and forms into multiple languages, ensuring that visitors from different regions can understand and interact with the content seamlessly.

Plugin Version: 1.3.0
WordPress plugin BookingPress Multi-Language

Plugin Features

This plugin is designed to make the process of creating a multilingual booking website as user-friendly as possible. It offers a simple and intuitive interface that allows users to easily manage translations for their booking content. Users can add translations for various elements such as service names, prices, descriptions, and other booking details. The plugin also provides options for customizing the language switcher, allowing website owners to choose the design and placement that best suits their needs.

One of the key features of BookingPress Multi-Language is its compatibility with popular translation plugins. This means that users can leverage the power of popular translation tools to automatically translate their booking content. The add-on integrates seamlessly with plugins like WPML and Polylang, making it easy to connect with existing translation workflows. This ensures that website owners can use their preferred translation tools while still benefiting from the multilingual capabilities of BookingPress Multi-Language.

In addition to facilitating translation, this plugin also offers advanced features for managing multiple languages on the website. For instance, users can create language-specific booking forms to cater to the needs of different audiences. This allows website owners to optimize the user experience and streamline the booking process for visitors speaking different languages. Moreover, users can also configure language-specific pricing and availability, ensuring that customers see accurate information based on their language preferences.

BookingPress Multi-Language is an excellent choice for website owners who want to expand their reach and cater to an international audience. With its robust features and seamless integration with popular translation plugins, this add-on simplifies the process of creating a multilingual booking system. Whether youre running a hotel, travel agency, or any other business that relies on bookings, this plugin offers a user-friendly solution for translating and managing your booking content in multiple languages.


Release date: 11-08-2023
Last updated: 26-01-2024
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Languages
Compatibility: W5.x W6.x
Includes: Plugin
Language packs: English
Developer: -

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