The plugin acts as a Job Portal Plugin for WordPress. It seamlessly integrates with websites to create a comprehensive job board for employers and job seekers to connect efficiently. Through its user-friendly interface, it offers a wide array of features beneficial for managing job listings, applications, and resumes effectively. Administrators can customize and moderate postings effortlessly, while candidates can easily search for openings and submit applications hassle-free.

Plugin Version: 1.1.8
WordPress plugin CodeCanyon JobBank

Plugin Features

One of its key functionalities is the ability to categorize job listings, making the navigation process for users more streamlined. With the option to set different criteria such as job type, location, or category, job seekers can quickly find relevant opportunities based on their preferences. Moreover, the plugin offers advanced search capabilities, allowing users to perform detailed searches and filter results to pinpoint their desired positions accurately.

The Job Portal Plugin for WordPress provides a seamless application process for candidates applying to various job listings. It enables them to submit their resumes directly through the website, making it convenient for both applicants and employers. Furthermore, the plugin facilitates communication between employers and candidates by allowing them to interact through the platform, streamlining the recruitment process.

For employers, CodeCanyon JobBank offers robust features to manage job listings efficiently. From posting new job openings to reviewing and approving applications, the plugin simplifies the entire recruitment process. Employers can also access a pool of talented candidates, view their resumes, and contact potential hires directly through the platform, fostering a smooth and direct hiring experience.

Additionally, the plugin provides essential analytics and reporting functionalities to track the performance of job listings. Administrators can monitor key metrics such as the number of views, applications received, and other relevant data to optimize job postings effectively. By leveraging these insights, website owners can make data-driven decisions to enhance the effectiveness of their job portal and improve user experience.

In conclusion, the Job Portal Plugin for WordPress offers a comprehensive solution for creating and managing a job board within a WordPress website. With its user-friendly interface, advanced search capabilities, seamless application process, and robust features for both employers and job seekers, the plugin is a valuable tool for streamlining the recruitment process and connecting talent with opportunities efficiently.


Release date: 06-01-2023
Last updated: 21-03-2024
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Directory & Documentation
Compatibility: W5.x W6.x
Includes: Plugin
Language packs: English
Developer: CodeCanyon

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