With the Email Notification extensions for Download Monitor you’ll never miss a download again! Whenever a visitor downloads one of your files, you’ll instantly receives an email notifying you about it!

Plugin Version: 4.1.12
WordPress plugin Download Monitor Email Notification

Plugin Features

The Download Monitor Email Notification is a plugin that offers file download notification functionality for Download Monitor. It improves user experience by sending email notifications for file downloads, keeping users informed about their download activities. This feature is especially valuable for website owners interested in efficiently tracking user engagement with downloadable content. The plugin seamlessly integrates with Download Monitor, adding a layer of communication to the file download process.

Website administrators can configure and customize email notifications according to their specific requirements using this extension. Triggers can be set up for when emails are sent, such as after successful downloads or for particular files. By tailoring these notifications, administrators can create personalized interactions with users, ultimately enhancing user experience and engagement. The flexibility in setting up notifications makes this plugin a versatile tool for managing download-related communications.

Furthermore, detailed reporting and tracking capabilities for download notifications are offered by the plugin. Site administrators can gain insights into user behavior regarding file downloads through comprehensive reports generated by the plugin. These reports can assist in analyzing download trends, popular files, and user preferences. By leveraging this data, website owners can make well-informed decisions to optimize their download strategies and content offerings effectively.

Additionally, this plugin enhances user engagement and encourages return visits by establishing a direct line of communication with downloaders. The email notifications create a feedback loop that can be utilized to promote related content, special offers, or upcoming events. By leveraging these notifications strategically, website owners can nurture relationships with users and drive further engagement on their sites. This personalized approach can lead to increased user loyalty and retention over time.

In conclusion, the Download Monitor Email Notification plugin is a valuable tool for website owners utilizing Download Monitor on their WordPress sites. It streamlines the communication process surrounding file downloads, provides in-depth insights through reporting, and fosters user engagement through personalized notifications. By implementing this plugin, site owners can enhance user experience, track download activities effectively, and establish meaningful connections with their audience.


Release date: 11-10-2017
Last updated: 22-06-2023
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Clients & Communities for Download Monitor
Compatibility: W5.x W6.x
Includes: Plugin
Language packs: English
Developer: Download Monitor

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