Paid Memberships Pro Add Member From Admin is a valuable plugin for WordPress that provides administrators with the ability to add members directly from the admin dashboard, without requiring users to go through the frontend registration process. This plugin serves as an administrator role plugin for Paid Memberships Pro, an extensive membership management solution for WordPress websites.

Plugin Version: 0.7.2
WordPress plugin Paid Memberships Pro Add Member From Admin

Plugin Features

With this plugin, administrators have the flexibility to manually create new members on behalf of users, making the membership management process more efficient and seamless. This can be particularly useful in scenarios where users may have difficulty navigating the frontend registration process or when administrators need to quickly add new members without relying on user-initiated registrations.

The plugin integrates seamlessly with Paid Memberships Pro, which offers a broad range of membership features, such as membership levels, recurring payments, content restriction, and more. By extending the functionality of Paid Memberships Pro, this add-on empowers administrators to take full control over the membership management process and streamline their workflow.

By accessing the admin dashboard, administrators can easily create new members by filling out relevant details, such as username, email address, password, and membership level. This allows administrators to customize the membership experience for users, ensuring they are granted the appropriate access and privileges based on their membership level.

Additionally, the plugin offers various customizable options, giving administrators the ability to set up custom welcome emails for new members, enable email notifications for successful member creations, and configure the plugin to automatically generate passwords for new members.

Due to its integration with Paid Memberships Pro, this plugin inherits the powerful features and extensive functionality offered by the core membership management solution. It provides flexibility, convenience, and customization options to administrators, enabling them to effectively manage and oversee the membership process from the backend of their WordPress site.

In summary, the Pay Memberships Pro Add Member From Admin plugin is a valuable addition for administrators using Paid Memberships Pro for their WordPress websites. By allowing administrators to add members directly from the admin dashboard, without relying on frontend registration, this plugin streamlines the membership management process, improving efficiency and user experience.


Release date: 11-02-2023
Last updated: 25-01-2024
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Administration for Paid Memberships Pro
Compatibility: W5.x W6.x
Includes: Plugin
Language packs: English
Developer: Paid Memberships Pro

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