This add-on allows you to integrate Profile Builder with the popular forums plugin, bbPress. You’ll be able to transfer bbPress user profile to Profile Builder user profile automatically.

Plugin Version: 1.0.5
WordPress plugin Profile Builder bbPress

Plugin Features

Profile Builder bbPress is a plugin designed to enhance user interaction on WordPress community forums. By seamlessly integrating user profiles between the website and the forum, this addon streamlines registration and login processes. Members have the ability to edit their profiles, view activities, and participate in forum discussions, creating a cohesive user experience. This integration fosters a sense of community, ultimately personalizing interactions and making them more engaging.

By incorporating this integration into your ecosystem, user roles can be managed more effectively, reducing administrative overhead. Profile synchronization ensures consistent user data, minimizing redundancies and simplifying user engagement tracking. Users experience a smooth transition between the primary website and the forum, leading to increased interaction and content engagement. Ultimately, the integration enhances the overall user experience, boosting user retention and community growth.

Community moderators benefit from efficiently moderating discussions and managing user accounts through the unified user profile system. The integration simplifies handling user queries and resolving issues across the platform. User-related actions on either side are synchronized in real-time, promoting data accuracy and integrity. This integration empowers community managers to establish a seamless and engaging environment for users to connect and collaborate.

Enhanced user profiles, featuring detailed information and activity tracking, enrich the community experience on WordPress. Users can highlight their contributions and expertise within the forum, nurturing a vibrant community spirit. The integration encourages user-generated content and interactions, which in turn drive user participation and reinforce a sense of belonging. Leveraging the integration addon creates a dynamic and interactive community platform that motivates users to actively engage and contribute to discussions.

In conclusion, the integration addon seamlessly connects user profiles between the primary website and the community forum. By streamlining user interactions and providing a unified experience, it enhances user engagement and cultivates a strong sense of community. With simplified user management and seamless profile synchronization, this integration optimizes the user experience, encouraging active participation within the community.


Release date: 11-10-2020
Last updated: 24-12-2020
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Clients & Communities for Profile Builder Pro
Compatibility: W5.x
Includes: Plugin
Language packs: English
Developer: CozmosLabs

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