The plugin offers seamless integration of WooCommerce with Profile Builder, facilitating efficient synchronization between the two platforms. By enabling this sync add-on, users can effortlessly manage user profiles and orders across WooCommerce and Profile Builder, streamlining the user experience and enhancing overall functionality. With its robust features and intuitive design, the plugin greatly simplifies the process of maintaining user data consistency between the two systems.

Plugin Version: 1.6.1
WordPress plugin Profile Builder WooCommerce Sync

Plugin Features

Enhancing user management processes, the plugin ensures that customer profiles created or updated in WooCommerce are accurately reflected in Profile Builder and vice versa. This bidirectional synchronization minimizes data discrepancies and offers a unified platform for managing user information efficiently. Through automated updates and real-time syncing capabilities, administrators can maintain a coherent user database effortlessly, without the need for manual intervention.

Moreover, the plugin empowers site owners to customize the synchronization settings according to their specific requirements. Administrators can configure mapping options, field selections, and sync frequency to tailor the integration based on their preferences. This flexibility allows for personalized user data management, ensuring a tailored approach to syncing user profiles and orders between WooCommerce and Profile Builder.

Furthermore, the seamless integration offered by Profile Builder WooCommerce Sync extends to user roles and permissions, guaranteeing consistent user access rights across both platforms. By synchronizing user roles, permissions, and access levels, the plugin enables a harmonized user experience, ensuring that users enjoy consistent privileges and functionality irrespective of the platform they interact with. This unified approach enhances usability and eliminates discrepancies in user access management.

In addition to user data synchronization, the plugin also streamlines order management processes, synchronizing orders placed on WooCommerce with user profiles in Profile Builder. This functionality provides a comprehensive view of user activities, allowing administrators to track orders, manage user profiles, and maintain accurate customer records seamlessly. By offering a holistic solution for user and order synchronization, the plugin enhances overall site functionality and user management capabilities.


Release date: 11-10-2020
Last updated: 24-12-2020
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: e-Commerce for Profile Builder Pro
Compatibility: W5.x
Includes: Plugin
Language packs: English
Developer: CozmosLabs

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