Total templates: 25

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TemPlaza Henry
Version: 1.2

TemPlaza Henry is a theme crafted for the WordPress platform, designed specifically for clothing online stores. Its layout, color scheme, and elements are tailored to enhance the user experience and meet the specific needs of online apparel businesses. The theme integrates seamlessly with WooCommerce, offering a robust e-commerce solution that allows for easy product showcasing and online transactions. With its user-friendly interface and responsive design, this theme ensures a visually appealing and functional online store that caters to the fashion industrys requirements.

Version: 2.0

TemPlaza Young Fitness is a theme designed for beauty and health center templates in WordPress. The theme encompasses a wide array of features tailored to the specific industry niche, focusing on elements that enhance user engagement and visual appeal. Its color scheme, layout, and functionalities are meticulously crafted to align with the branding and operational needs of beauty and health centers, ensuring a seamless user experience for visitors seeking such services.

TemPlaza Young Fitness
TemPlaza Simple Love
Version: 1.0.0

TemPlaza Simple Love is a theme designed for mobile applications in the business realm on WordPress. It incorporates a sleek and modern design tailored for the mobile application niche with a layout and color scheme crafted to enhance the user experience specifically for businesses in the mobile app industry. The functional elements of this theme are optimized for mobile responsiveness to ensure seamless performance across various devices and screen sizes.

Version: 1.6

TemPlaza Profiler is a theme designed as a personal blog template for WordPress. It provides users with a sleek and professional layout suitable for showcasing personal information, experiences, and achievements. This theme offers a seamless integration with the platform, allowing for easy customization and management of content. With its user-friendly interface and responsive design, it ensures a seamless browsing experience for visitors to a personal blog.

TemPlaza Profiler
TemPlaza Eventory
Version: 2.6

TemPlaza Eventory is a theme designed for event management and e-commerce integration on a WordPress platform. This fully responsive theme offers a seamless blend of event organization functionalities with an online store, creating a comprehensive solution for event organizers looking to sell tickets, merchandise, or services directly on their website. Its sleek design and intuitive layout cater to the specific needs of event planners, making it easy to showcase events, manage bookings, and offer products for sale, all within a cohesive and visually appealing interface.