Joomla's navigation system houses an elegant feature that seasoned web developers and site managers appreciate - the capacity to conceal specific menu items. Menus serve as the backbone of site navigation, often guiding visitors to crucial content and sections.

Understanding the Art of Concealing Menu Items in Joomla

On occasion, one might find the need to direct visitors to a particular page without displaying a conspicuous link on the main menu. A classic scenario is the creation of a landing page for an exclusive sale or promotional offer, separate from the conventional menu structure. Joomla's "hidden menu item" utility is an efficient solution for such needs. In this detailed walkthrough, we will unveil the steps to craft a concealed menu item within Joomla.

Step 1: Dive into the Primary Menu

Begin by accessing the Joomla backend of your website. Navigate to the 'Menus' section. Within the dropdown that appears, select the “Main Menu” option. This action will bring forth a list of all the items within your primary menu.

Step 1: Dive into the Primary Menu

Illustration: A visual guide to accessing Joomla's Main Menu section.

Step 2: Identify and Access the Desired Link Category

Locate the specific menu item you aim to conceal from the main menu. Click on this item to open its settings. Within these settings, you will spot an option titled “Link Type.” Access it.

Step 2: Identify and Access the Desired Link Category

Visual Representation: Pinpointing the 'Link Type' choice.

Step 3: Enabling the Concealment of the Menu Item

Within the settings, seek out the “Display in Menu” feature. To ensure the selected menu item remains invisible on your main menu, simply toggle this option to “No.”

Step 3: Enabling the Concealment of the Menu Item

Snapshot: The process of rendering a menu item inconspicuous in Joomla.

And voila! You've successfully concealed a menu item from your site's primary navigation. This tactic offers a strategic advantage, allowing for a cleaner menu appearance while still retaining the ability to guide visitors to specific content. Remain engaged for more enlightening Joomla guides in the future.

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Published: 07-10-2018

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