Total extensions: 3029

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Version: 4.0.7

Progressive component Komento will allow your website visitors to leave comments on your favorite articles, blogs, or products exhibited on the pages of the Internet resource. Powerful and useful functions Komento enabled him to become one of the best in the e...

Creative Contact Form
Version: 4.7.0

Component Creative Contact Form is a powerful form generator feedback with striking visual effects. Many will be pleasantly surprised by the capabilities of this extension. Over 57 thousand sites already use it. 93% of users are fully satisfied with the produc...

jQuery Easy
Version: 5.0.3

The plugin jQuery Easy needed to connect libraries Mootools and resolve arising in the course of their use together with jQuery problems. However, some of the conflicts, the sources of which are Mootools or certain add-ons that are incompatible with the specif...

Version: 4.0.4

For a long time Joomla could boast with just one major project online store, which suffered from many drawbacks. But time moves on and are replaced by advanced components. However, they suffered from one major drawback: the fact that they use their own databas...

MintJoomla Emerald Pro
Version: 10.107

The creation of pay sites or separate zones on the website is the key to success of modern business sector that employs thousands of webmasters around the world. Emerald component for content management system Joomla allows you to organize such a zone on any s...

Version: 2.04.05

YEEditor component - it editor for Joomla that gives the user the ability to create complex web pages with lots of elements, in a short time. The addition allows you to make section of the website that you want is usually to spend an hour or two, for 5 minutes...

SP Stock
Version: 1.0.0

SP Stock module is an extension for Joomla, the purpose of which is the stock Ticker placement of firms on a network resource user.

OS Mortgage Payment Calculator
Version: 4.3.0

When you need to add a calculation of the cost of the mortgage, the Mortgage Payment Calculator module. This module will allow your website users, to calculate the required attenuation and to deduce the best plan for mortgage lending. The module is ideal for s...

WSO Shell
Version: 1.2.0

WSO Command Shell and File Manager is a full featured file Manager and console (command prompt), created based on the popular PHP shell WSO. The target audience of the plugin WSO Command Shell are site administrators who need a modern tool to manage their syst...

iJoomla Speed Check
Version: 1.0.1

iJoomla Speed Check is specially created a free module that shows the download speed of Your Joomla website. The module will be useful to those webmasters who are interested in rapid and high-quality operation of its products.

FaLang Pro
Version: 5.8.0

Creating a multilingual sites sooner or later comes to all webmasters: when the project develops, it is a sin not to try it on the audience from another country, because the probability of getting new customers is quite high. And here arises the question - how...

JA Multilingual
Version: 1.1.3

Joomla component - JA Multilingual is an internal tool to transfer your Joomla site to any of the international languages, using the functionality of BING or Google translators. Component easily into the structure of your web resource and automatically transla...

Zefania Bible
Version: 4.4.1

ZefaniaBible is designed to work with the content management system Joomla. It is a database that stores the text of Scripture. ZefaniaBible component contains more than 140 different versions of the Bible and provides an opportunity to work with the contents ...

OSG Seminar Manager
Version: 2.11.2

OSG Seminar Manager component for managing events and courses that enable you to add on a website that was created based on Joomla, booking engine and keep it full list of activities. For users the available functionality of the booking, on an existing seminar...

Geocode Factory 5
Version: 5.16.0209

Embed maps on a website running Joomla may using Geocode Factory 5 component, which is able to work with Google and realizes custom solutions (e.g., OpenStreetMap, etc.). The extension comes with a set of plugins and module to ensure a high degree of integrati...

Shack Locations Pro
Version: 2.1.3

Component Shack Locations Pro is a unique and comprehensive mapping extension in a directory. Working with him is extremely simple, despite the fact that its capabilities are very broad. You will be able to create a map register with your own descriptions, mar...

Version: 3.5.1

AcySMS is a component of Joomla, with which You will be able to make sending automated messages, newsletters, agreements, promotions, automatic replies, and advertising companies. AcySMS component combined with the following projects: Subscription Akeeba, AcyM...

Easy Frontend SEO
Version: 4.2.0

Component EFSEO is an extension for Joomla that allows you both automatically and manually manage important metadata. Supplement is a effective search engine optimization tool.

JoomPhoto Mobile
Version: 2.5.0

JoomPhoto Mobile component allows you to publish to iOS or Android, photos on the Joomla site, just a few clicks to share the images. Well, if you are a beginner, don't worry, this feature is easy to use and to install. This extension is useful for those who l...

Page QR-Code
Version: 1.2.0

Module Page QR Code creates QR code of the website. Just install this module on the website, and You will get a QR code of the current page which will be visible to all the guests of this web resource. Current QR codes work especially well with Barcoo or Barco...