SecurityCheck Pro is an advanced solution for those seeking to fortify their Joomla websites against potential threats. This tool provides proactive defense mechanisms, efficiently detecting and mitigating cyber threats. Its array of features ensure a comprehensive protection, keeping your Joomla webpage safeguarded and operating smoothly.

Extension Version: 3.6.2
Joomla extension SecurityCheck Pro

Extension Features

Despite its sophisticated interface, this extension SecurityCheck Pro is user-friendly and easy to navigate. Upon installation, users are greeted with a dashboard that provides a snapshot of the websites security status. It displays critical alerts and suggestions for improvement, prioritizing urgent issues for immediate addressing. The data displayed on this central hub allows users to evaluate their sites protection level quickly.

The centerpiece of this Joomla extension is the Firewall feature, securing the website from potential threats. It detects and blocks hacking attempts, including SQL Injection, Cross-site scripting (XSS), and Local File Inclusion (LFI), among others. The Firewall shields your website against malevolent traffic and safeguards sensitive data, adding an impenetrable barrier of security to your website.

This extension utilizes Blacklist and Geoblock features which enable administrators to exclude dubious IP addresses or entire regions known for cybercrime activities. These features are particularly advantageous in reducing the risk of attacks originated from high-risk countries, thus increasing a sites security profile.

SecurityCheck Pro boasts a formidable auto-protection feature, able to identify and fend off repeating patterns of attack. When the same IP address attempts multiple intrusions, the system triggers an automatic response, blocking the IP address to prevent further attempts. This extension thus crafts a proactive line of defense against persistent hacking strategies.

In the murky world of digital defense, SecurityCheck Pro harnesses the power of .htaccess protection. The .htaccess file, a critical part of any Joomla website, becomes a bastion of defense within this extensions setup. By securing this file, it staves off attempts to compromise your websites functions, effectively fortifying your sites groundwork against threats.

SecurityCheck Pro does not solely focus on thwarting attacks, but also excels in detecting existing issues. Its Malware Scanner identifies suspicious files and patterns, ruling out false positives with its comprehensive whitelist of Joomla core and popular extension files. The scanner diligently combs through every nook and cranny of your website to ensure complete eradication of any hidden malware.

Moreover, this extension integrates log management, allowing for a meticulous review of all actions taken on the site. This record assists in understanding attack patterns, identifying vulnerabilities, and planning subsequent actions.

To round off its features, the extension offers file integrity, verifying whether core Joomla files have been tampered with. Its particularly useful in spotting unauthorized modifications, an early indicator of potential breaches. By enabling this feature, one is ensured that all website elements remain original and uncompromised.

In conclusion, SecurityCheck Pro stands as a robust Joomla extension, dedicated to keeping ahead of cyber threats. Its an all-encompassing defense solution, offering advanced, user-friendly features for comprehensive website protection. Its vibrant array of features are designed to maintain an air-tight protection, ensuring that your Joomla website remains secure, making it an invaluable tool for any Joomla site administrator.


Release date: 19-11-2014
Last updated: 08-06-2023
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Access & Security
Compatibility: J3.x J4.x
Includes: Component Module Plugin
Language packs: English
Developer: SecurityCheck

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