Geek Article Utilities Plugin provides the most commonly features in an article including Disqus comment, social sharing buttons, Facebook comment and Open Graph meta tags. You can easily enable plugin for specific categories and articles via 2 integration modes with the solid features that this plugin could bring, this must be a perfect choice to replace many other utility extensions on your site.

Extension Version: 1.1.1
Joomla extension Geek Article Utilities

Extension Features

Geek Article Utilities is a Joomla article functions plugin that streamlines and enhances content management tasks on websites. This versatile tool optimizes article creation, management, and display, ultimately boosting efficiency and user experience. By integrating seamlessly into the Joomla framework, it empowers users with a robust set of utilities for organizing and presenting articles effectively. With its array of features and functionalities, this plugin stands as a pivotal resource for Joomla users looking to elevate their content management capabilities effortlessly.

This utility-rich Joomla plugin equips users with a diverse range of tools to fine-tune their articles and create engaging content effortlessly. From simplifying article layouts to optimizing metadata for better search engine visibility, it offers a comprehensive suite of features. Users can customize article displays, manage categories efficiently, and leverage advanced tagging options to enhance content organization. By facilitating easy integration with various Joomla components, the plugin enhances the overall editorial experience and content presentation on websites.

One of the standout aspects of this multifaceted plugin is its intuitive interface, which enables users to navigate its features seamlessly. Empowering users to streamline complex article operations through its user-friendly design, it makes it accessible to both novice and experienced Joomla administrators. By providing easy access to essential article functions and settings, Geek Article Utilities simplifies the content management process and enhances productivity for website owners and publishers.

Moreover, the plugin offers unparalleled flexibility in article customization, allowing users to tailor their content presentation to suit their unique branding and design preferences. Whether adjusting article layouts, implementing customized fields, or fine-tuning metadata details, it offers extensive customization options to cater to diverse content needs. By enabling users to exert greater control over their articles appearance and structure, it empowers them to create impactful and visually appealing content that resonates with their audience effectively.

In conclusion, this feature-rich and indispensable Joomla plugin emerges as a valuable asset for users seeking to optimize their content management capabilities on the platform. With its robust set of tools, intuitive interface, and flexible customization options, it serves as a valuable asset for website owners looking to enhance their article management processes effectively. By leveraging the functionalities offered by this plugin, users can streamline their content workflows, enhance user engagement, and maintain a polished online presence with ease.


Release date: 19-11-2014
Last updated: 12-11-2018
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Authoring & Content
Compatibility: J3.x
Includes: Plugin
Language packs: English
Developer: JoomlaGeek

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