Timeline Joomla Module you can use to create a vertical timeline of your blog articles and display your content in an interesting design. In module settings, are available nine style layouts, which you may chose to have the timeline look of your desire. In settings you can select even how many items, the categories, tags, dates etc to define which articles should be displayed on your timelines.

Extension Version: 4.0.19
Joomla extension MX Timeline

Extension Features

This extension for Joomla, called MX Timeline, is a comprehensive timeline module that allows users to create visually stunning and interactive timelines on their websites. With module, users can display a chronological sequence of events, stories, or any other content in a visually appealing and organized manner.

One of the key features of this extension is its easy-to-use interface, which allows users to create and manage timelines effortlessly. Users can add events, specify dates and times, add media files such as images or videos, customize event details, and even rearrange the order of events. This flexibility allows users to create timelines that are unique to their content and design preferences.

This extension also offers a variety of styling options to customize the look and feel of the timeline. Users can choose from different layouts, color schemes, and fonts to match the overall design of their website. Additionally, module provides responsive design, ensuring that the timelines are displayed properly on various devices and screen sizes.

Furthermore, MX Timeline offers advanced features to enhance the user experience. Users can enable autoplay, allowing the timeline to automatically scroll through events, making it ideal for showcasing a series of events or a story. Additionally, users can enable a zoom feature to provide a more detailed view of each event, allowing visitors to explore the timeline at their own pace.

Another notable feature of this extension is its ability to support multiple timelines on a single website. This means users can create different timelines for different sections or pages of their website, offering a more organized and focused display of content.

In conclusion, the MX Timeline extension for Joomla is a powerful tool that enables users to create visually appealing and interactive timelines on their websites. With its user-friendly interface, customizable design options, and advanced features, this extension offers a seamless and engaging way to showcase chronological content. Whether its for showcasing historical events, project milestones, or personal achievements, module provides a flexible and efficient solution for creating captivating timelines.


Release date: 19-11-2014
Last updated: 21-12-2022
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Calendars & Events
Compatibility: J3.x J4.x
Includes: Module
Language packs: English
Developer: MixWebTemplates

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