Easy Chat Room is a simple Joomla component and fully integrated business solution for bringing employees from around the globe or around the room together in a single room. Our goal is effective team discussions that simplify business chats by consolidating and simplifying the process of online meetings. No special software. No third party websites or data storages. No limits on rooms, chats, files, etc…

Extension Version: 1.0.0
Joomla extension Easy Chat Room

Extension Features

The Easy Chat Room extension is a business component designed specifically for staff collaboration on the Joomla platform. This extension provides a seamless and efficient way for team members to communicate and share information, ultimately enhancing productivity and streamlining processes within an organization.

With Easy Chat Room, users can create chat rooms for different departments or project teams, allowing for focused discussions and efficient collaboration. This extension offers a user-friendly interface, making it easy for individuals to join or participate in chat rooms without any technical expertise.

Within each chat room, users can engage in real-time conversations, share documents and files, and even hold video conferences to facilitate effective communication. This extension offers a range of features that enhance the user experience, such as private messaging, file sharing capabilities, and the ability to search and archive chat discussions.

One notable feature of the extension is its flexibility and customization options. Administrators can easily configure and personalize the chat rooms to meet the specific needs of their organization. They can create custom fields, set user permissions, and control access to ensure a secure and tailored environment for collaboration.

Furthermore, this extension is designed to be responsive and compatible with various devices, ensuring that team members can access the chat rooms from anywhere, whether they are using a desktop computer, tablet, or mobile device. This accessibility enables seamless collaboration and facilitates efficient communication even for remote or distributed teams.

In summary, the Easy Chat Room extension for Joomla is a powerful and versatile tool that enables businesses to enhance staff collaboration and streamline communication within their organization. With its user-friendly interface, range of features, and customization options, this extension provides a comprehensive solution for efficient team collaboration.


Release date: 27-10-2020
Last updated: 27-10-2020
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Communication
Compatibility: J3.x
Includes: Component
Language packs: English
Developer: JoomBoost

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