The given Joomla extension is a product carousel module specifically designed for VirtueMart, a widely used e-commerce solution for Joomla websites. This extension allows website owners to showcase their VirtueMart products in a visually appealing carousel format, attracting and engaging users with an interactive and dynamic display.

Extension Version: 4.0.5
Joomla extension OL Product Carousel for VirtueMart

Extension Features

With OL Product Carousel for VirtueMart, website administrators have the flexibility to customize and configure the product carousel according to their preferences. They can choose the number of products to display, set the carousel speed, adjust the size of the product images, and even control the navigation options. This level of customization empowers website owners to create a unique and seamless browsing experience for their customers.

One of the key advantages of this extension is its responsive design. The product carousel adapts flawlessly to different screen sizes and devices, ensuring a consistent user experience regardless of whether the website is accessed from a desktop, tablet, or mobile device. This responsive feature not only enhances user engagement but also improves search engine optimization, as search engines rank mobile-friendly websites higher in search results.

OL Product Carousel for VirtueMart also offers multiple layout options for the product carousel. Website owners can choose from vertical or horizontal layouts, as well as various display styles such as slide, fade, or scroll. These options allow for greater creativity and flexibility in showcasing products, enabling website owners to align the carousel layout with their brand identity or website design.

Additionally, this extension provides comprehensive control over the products to be displayed in the carousel. Website administrators can choose to display specific categories, featured products, or products based on custom filters. This level of control ensures that only the most relevant and engaging products are showcased, optimizing conversion rates and maximizing sales potential.

Furthermore, the extension is easy to install and configure, making it accessible to both experienced Joomla users and beginners. The intuitive backend interface provides a user-friendly experience, allowing administrators to set up and manage the carousel effortlessly. Moreover, the extension is compatible with the latest versions of Joomla and VirtueMart, ensuring a seamless integration without any compatibility issues.

In conclusion, the OL Product Carousel for VirtueMart is a powerful and versatile extension for Joomla websites that enhances the visual appeal and user experience of displaying VirtueMart products. With its flexible customization options, responsive design, and comprehensive product control, this extension empowers website owners to create an engaging and visually striking product carousel, driving higher user engagement and boosting sales potential.


Release date: 07-02-2020
Last updated: 15-10-2022
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: e-Commerce for VirtueMart
Compatibility: J3.x J4.x
Includes: Module
Language packs: English
Developer: OlwebDesign

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