The extension AutoAnchor Menu is a Joomla plugin designed to enhance news display functionality on websites. With its advanced features, it allows for seamless integration of dynamic news content within Joomla sites, providing users with a rich and engaging browsing experience. By leveraging this extension, website administrators can easily manage and showcase news articles in a structured and visually appealing manner.

Extension Version: 1.11.6
Joomla extension AutoAnchor Menu

Extension Features

This plugin offers a user-friendly interface, enabling effortless customization of news displays according to specific preferences and requirements. It empowers users to create unique layouts, adjust styling elements, and configure various display options to optimize the presentation of news content. Additionally, the AutoAnchor Menu provides tools for efficient content organization, categorization, and tagging, facilitating streamlined content management workflows within Joomla.

One of the key highlights of this Joomla extension is its responsive design capabilities, ensuring that news content is displayed flawlessly across different devices and screen sizes. By utilizing responsive design principles, it enables websites to deliver a consistent and user-friendly news browsing experience to visitors accessing the site from desktops, laptops, tablets, or smartphones. This responsiveness enhances user engagement and accessibility.

Furthermore, the AutoAnchor Menu supports seamless integration with Joomlas core functionalities, allowing for easy installation and compatibility with existing setups. Its robust architecture and optimized performance ensure smooth operation and reliable functionality, enhancing the overall efficiency of news display management within the Joomla environment. This integration simplifies the process of incorporating dynamic news content into websites.

In addition to its core features, the plugin offers powerful customization options that enable users to tailor it to suit their specific branding and design requirements. From customizing color schemes and typography to implementing personalized layouts and styling elements, this extension provides a comprehensive set of tools for creating visually compelling and engaging news displays. With these customization capabilities, website owners can effectively align news content with their brand identity and design aesthetics.

In conclusion, the AutoAnchor Menu is a versatile Joomla extension that elevates the presentation of news content on websites, offering advanced features for customization and seamless integration. It empowers users to create visually appealing news displays that enhance user engagement and deliver a consistent browsing experience across devices.


Release date: 19-11-2014
Last updated: 08-08-2018
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: News Display
Compatibility: J3.x
Includes: Module Plugin
Language packs: English
Developer: -

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