Publisher Pro is a dynamic and comprehensive Joomla extension that widely serves as a tool to enhance site building experience. This extension is touted for its potent capabilities that allow users to create, manage, and publish a range of content on their Joomla website, setting a benchmark in the realm of content management extensions.

Extension Version: 3.0.20
Joomla extension Publisher Pro

Extension Description

Introduced to Joomla users, this extension has been instrumental in augmenting the site building process. Each feature offered is unique in its way and provides substantial leverage to the site constructor. One of such attributes is the expansive content creation capability, which doesn’t restrict users to just text but includes images and videos. The content can be organized systematically in different categories and tagged for a structured and clutter-free website.

Emphasizing the flexibility of the provided Joomla extension, it accommodates multiple authors with personalized access. Authors are allocated separate access levels, which promotes clear differentiation of roles and eases content management. It also facilitates smoother collaboration among team members and enhances workflow.

An interesting aspect of the iJoomla Publisher Pro extension is the availability of a range of customizable options. This proves to be a great benefit for users aiming to achieve a unique look for their site. These options encompass a variety of aspects, right from altering the design, typography to tweaking with colors, thus giving users a free hand over aesthetics.

Moreover, this extension is not limited to ones local machine as it incorporates cloud compatibility, further broadening its scope. It connects with several popular cloud services such as Google Drive and Dropbox. This feature ensures a seamless experience of working from anywhere without hindrance, ensuring easy accessibility to the stored content.

Besides the aforementioned, the remarkable Joomla extension offers scheduled publishing, an exemplary feature providing users with the ability to control the timing and sequence of their content display. This gives users the leverage to align the publishing time-frame with their strategy, thereby optimally utilizing the content visibility.

To sum up, the given Joomla extension Publisher Pro is indeed a stand-out due to its wide array of features catering to varied user needs, hence its rising popularity. Combining robust functionality with profound flexibility, it leaps ahead in the market of content management tools.

However, the potential user must comprehend that while the extension provides abundant amenities, it also demands an understanding of its operations. Each feature can be advantageous once the user masters its application, hence a sufficient learning curve should be expected.

Impressively, the creators of this extension have made usability a priority. Even with its powerful capabilities, the emphasis on a user-friendly interface is evident. This makes interacting with the software a smooth process, ensuring even the novice Joomla users can navigate through the offerings with ease.

In essence, this iJoomla Publisher Pro offers an amalgamation of dynamic features that makes it an excellent tool for managing and enriching a Joomla website. It is clearly more than a simple extension, transforming into an assisting hand, facilitating the growth of the Joomla community by making site creation a smooth and effective process.


Release date: 18-11-2014
Last updated: 17-05-2019
Type: Paid Exclusive
License: GPL 
Subject: News Display
Compatibility: J2.5 J3.x
Includes: Component Module Plugin
Language packs: English
Developer: iJoomla

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