A feature-rich image slider module for Joomla, it offers a myriad of customization options that guarantee a dynamic and visually appealing user experience. With seamless integration and user-friendly controls, it empowers Joomla website owners to effortlessly showcase their content in a captivating slideshow format. This extension stands out for its responsiveness, touch support, and compatibility with various devices and browsers, ensuring a consistent display across different platforms. Additionally, its intuitive interface enables users to create stunning sliders with ease, making it a valuable asset for enhancing the aesthetics of any Joomla website.

Extension Version: 1.3.0
Joomla extension Vina Jssor Image Slider

Extension Description

Enhancing the functionality of Joomla websites, the extension allows for the creation of versatile sliders that can be tailored to specific design requirements. Its array of transition effects, animation options, and layout settings provide endless possibilities for creating engaging slideshows that effectively grab users attention. Moreover, Vina Jssor Image Slider drag-and-drop functionality simplifies the process of adding images, videos, or text to the slider, enabling users to quickly build and customize their desired content layout. With its robust set of features, including autoplay, thumbnail navigation, and caption support, it offers a comprehensive solution for displaying multimedia content in a visually appealing manner.

One of the standout features of the extension is its multi-device compatibility, ensuring optimal performance across desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Its responsive design automatically adjusts the sliders layout to suit different screen sizes, providing a seamless viewing experience for website visitors on various devices. Furthermore, the touch-swipe capability adds an interactive element to the sliders, allowing users to navigate through the content effortlessly. This feature makes the extension an ideal choice for websites targeting mobile users or those seeking to optimize their content for a diverse audience.

A standout advantage of the extension is its robust set of configuration options that enable users to fine-tune every aspect of the slider to align with their branding and design preferences. From selecting transition effects to adjusting slider speed and navigation controls, users have full control over the appearance and behavior of the slider. The extensions versatility extends to its compatibility with third-party Joomla templates and extensions, ensuring seamless integration without compromising performance. Whether used for showcasing products, highlighting portfolio items, or displaying news updates, this extension offers a versatile solution for creating engaging slideshows that elevate the overall user experience on Joomla websites.

Overall, this Joomla slider module is a powerful tool for website owners looking to enhance the visual appeal of their Joomla sites with dynamic and interactive content sliders. Its comprehensive feature set, intuitive customization options, and seamless responsiveness make it a valuable asset for creating compelling slideshows that captivate audiences and drive user engagement. With its user-friendly interface and broad compatibility, the extension streamlines the process of incorporating visually striking sliders into Joomla websites, making it a popular choice among users seeking to elevate their online presence with stunning multimedia content.


Release date: 17-03-2014
Last updated: 28-10-2015
Type: Free
License: GPL 
Subject: Photos & Images
Compatibility: J3.x
Includes: Module
Language packs: English
Developer: VinaGecko

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