Securitycheck Pro Analytics is a simple but powerful tool to get analytics of all your sites managed with Control Center. Tired of a console for each of your sites? Get access to this info from your Control Center easily.

Extension Version: 1.0.2
Joomla extension Securitycheck Pro Analytics

Extension Features

Securitycheck Pro Analytics is a Joomla site analysis component that offers comprehensive insights and in-depth analytics for websites. With advanced features and functionalities, this extension provides detailed reports and statistics to help monitor and optimize site performance effectively. It empowers users to make data-driven decisions and enhance their websites security and overall efficiency.

It enables tracking key metrics such as traffic sources, user engagement, page views, and more, allowing a better understanding of the audience and the ability to tailor content strategy accordingly. By analyzing data on user behavior and site interactions, site usability can improve, enhancing the overall user experience. Moreover, it helps identify potential security vulnerabilities and take proactive measures to protect the site from threats.

This component also offers real-time monitoring and notifications to keep informed about any suspicious activities or irregularities on the website. By receiving alerts for unauthorized access attempts or malware infections, users can promptly address security issues and prevent potential breaches, ensuring the site remains secure, stable, and optimized for optimal performance.

Additionally, the extension provides customizable reporting options, allowing the generation of tailored reports based on specific requirements and preferences. Whether needing detailed performance reports, security scans, or user activity analyses, this component offers flexible reporting capabilities to meet diverse needs. It equips users with the tools to assess, monitor, and enhance various aspects of the website effectively.

In conclusion, Securitycheck Pro Analytics is a powerful Joomla extension that goes beyond conventional site analysis tools by offering a comprehensive suite of features for monitoring, analyzing, and optimizing Joomla websites. From security enhancements to performance optimization, it provides valuable insights and actionable data to help elevate site performance and safeguard it from potential threats. With robust functionality and a user-friendly interface, it is a valuable asset for users seeking to enhance their websites security and performance.


Release date: 19-11-2014
Last updated: 16-08-2022
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Site Management
Compatibility: J3.x
Includes: Component
Language packs: English
Developer: protegetuordenador

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