The Joomla social buttons module, SP Followers, is a seamless tool that integrates social media engagement buttons into websites. This extension enhances user experience by enabling visitors to effortlessly follow, share, and interact with website content on various social platforms. The user-friendly interface of SP Followers allows for easy customization and placement of social buttons throughout the site.

Extension Version: 1.0.1
Joomla extension SP Followers

Extension Description

Website administrators can strategically position these buttons with SP Followers to optimize engagement and prompt users to connect with the sites social profiles. Supporting a wide range of popular platforms, the module enables visitors to follow the websites social accounts with a simple click, thereby enhancing the sites social reach and facilitating user interaction.

The flexibility in design of this extension ensures a smooth integration of social buttons into the websites layout, providing a visually appealing user experience. SP Followers offers various styling options to match the sites design aesthetic and branding requirements, allowing owners to customize the appearance, size, and placement of social buttons in alignment with their overall design strategy.

Among the key features of SP Followers is its robust analytics functionality, offering valuable insights into social media performance and user engagement. Through this data, website administrators can track metrics such as follower growth, social shares, and click-through rates directly from the Joomla administration panel. These insights empower site owners to make informed decisions and refine their social media strategy for maximum impact.

Furthermore, SP Followers is designed for optimal performance and compatibility across different devices and browsers. Regular updates ensure smooth operation with the latest Joomla versions and incorporate new features based on user feedback and industry trends. For Joomla websites aiming to elevate their social media presence and enhance user engagement seamlessly, SP Followers proves to be a valuable asset.


Release date: 16-01-2013
Last updated: 20-02-2015
Type: Free
Subject: Social Web
Compatibility: J3.x
Includes: Module
Language packs: English
Developer: JoomShaper

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