The extension for Joomla, K2 Multiple Rating, is a sophisticated rating plugin tailored for K2, enhancing user engagement and interaction on websites. This extension provides a comprehensive platform to enable multiple rating systems within the K2 content management component, allowing users to express their opinions and feedback through various rating criteria. With its intuitive design and seamless integration, this extension elevates the user experience by offering a flexible and interactive way to rate and evaluate content effectively.

Extension Version: 2.0.1
Joomla extension K2 Multiple Rating

Extension Features

This extension empowers website administrators to customize and set up multiple rating options effortlessly, including star ratings, numerical ratings, or any other customized rating scales, aligning with the specific content requirements. Users can express their sentiments accurately by choosing from different rating categories, promoting a more nuanced and structured feedback mechanism. The extensions versatility allows for a dynamic and engaging rating system that caters to diverse user preferences and content types, fostering user participation and interaction.

By integrating the K2 Multiple Rating extension, website owners can gain valuable insights into user preferences and perceptions of content, enabling them to refine and optimize their offerings based on real-time feedback. The extensions real-time tracking and reporting features provide administrators with comprehensive analytics and data visualization tools, facilitating informed decision-making and content improvement strategies. This data-driven approach enhances the content relevance and quality, ensuring a more tailored and engaging user experience.

With its user-friendly interface and seamless navigation, this extension simplifies the rating process for users, making it easy and convenient to express their opinions through a structured and visually appealing rating system. Users can engage with content more meaningfully by providing detailed feedback across multiple criteria, fostering a sense of community and interactivity within the website. The extensions intuitive design promotes user engagement and active participation, enhancing the overall user experience and satisfaction.

The K2 Multiple Rating extension caters to a wide range of industries and websites that value user feedback and engagement, including e-commerce platforms, online publications, community forums, and educational websites. By implementing this extension, website owners can create a dynamic and interactive environment that encourages user interaction and promotes a sense of ownership and involvement among site visitors. The extensions adaptability and customization options make it a valuable tool for enhancing user engagement and feedback collection across various digital platforms.

In conclusion, the K2 Multiple Rating extension is a versatile and user-centric tool that elevates the rating experience within the K2 content management system, promoting user engagement and feedback collection. This extension offers a comprehensive set of features and customization options that empower website owners to tailor the rating system according to their specific needs and objectives. By leveraging the capabilities of this extension, websites can foster a more interactive and engaging user experience that drives increased user participation and valuable feedback collection.


Release date: 19-11-2014
Last updated: 07-02-2018
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Clients & Communities Specific for K2
Compatibility: J3.x
Includes: Plugin
Language packs: English
Developer: JoomlaWorks

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