SJ Latest Jobs For JS Jobs is a powerful Joomla extension designed to enhance the functionality of the JS Jobs component. This extension allows users to display the latest job listings on their Joomla website, providing a convenient way for visitors to stay up-to-date with the available job opportunities.

Extension Version: 1.1.0
Joomla extension SJ Latest Jobs For JS Jobs

Extension Features

With this extension, users can easily customize the layout and design of the job listings to match the overall look and feel of their website. It offers a range of options for displaying the job information, including the job title, company name, location, salary, and application deadline. Users can also choose to display additional details such as job descriptions and company logos.

One of the key features of SJ Latest Jobs For JS Jobs is its responsiveness. The extension is fully responsive and mobile-friendly, ensuring that the job listings look great on any device or screen size. This is essential in todays digital age, as more and more people access websites on their smartphones and tablets.

To make it even more convenient for users, the extension provides various filtering options. Visitors can filter the job listings based on different criteria such as job category, location, or salary range. This allows them to quickly find relevant job opportunities that match their preferences.

Furthermore, module offers seamless integration with social media platforms. Users can easily enable social sharing buttons on the job listings, allowing visitors to share the job opportunities with their networks. This can greatly increase the visibility of the job listings and attract more potential candidates.

The extension also provides advanced search functionality, allowing users to search for specific job listings based on keywords or specific criteria. This makes it easier for visitors to find the exact job they are looking for, saving them time and effort.

In conclusion, SJ Latest Jobs For JS Jobs is a highly flexible and feature-rich extension for Joomla that enhances the functionality of the JS Jobs component. With its customizable layouts, responsive design, filtering options, social media integration, and advanced search functionality, this extension provides a convenient and user-friendly way to display the latest job listings on Joomla websites. Whether youre running a job portal or a business looking to hire new talent, this extension is a valuable tool in ensuring a seamless and efficient job listing experience.


Release date: 29-07-2015
Last updated: 18-06-2019
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Specific
Compatibility: J3.x
Includes: Module
Language packs: English
Developer: -

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