Ruxin Breadcrumbs presents a sophisticated site navigation module for Joomla, designed to enhance user browsing experience. With its intuitive functionality, users can effortlessly navigate through the website, improving overall accessibility. This extension offers a seamless integration into Joomla sites, providing a robust and efficient solution for managing breadcrumb navigation effectively.

Extension Version: 1.0.0
Joomla extension Ruxin Breadcrumbs

Extension Features

The extension incorporates a range of advanced features that set it apart in the realm of site navigation modules. It offers customizable breadcrumb styles, allowing users to tailor the navigation display to suit their websites design aesthetics. Additionally, the extension provides dynamic breadcrumb generation, ensuring accurate and up-to-date navigation paths for users as they traverse the site.

One key highlight of module lies in its responsive design capabilities. The extension seamlessly adapts to various screen sizes and devices, guaranteeing a consistent user experience across platforms. This responsiveness enhances user engagement and satisfaction by facilitating smooth navigation regardless of the device being used.

Moreover, module excels in its performance optimization, boasting efficient code structures that contribute to faster loading times and improved site speed. By streamlining the navigation process, the extension minimizes user wait times and enhances overall site performance, optimizing the browsing experience.

In conclusion, Ruxin Breadcrumbs stands out as a top-tier site navigation module for Joomla, offering a comprehensive solution for seamless navigation on websites. Its unique features, customizable options, responsiveness, and performance optimization make it a valuable asset for Joomla users seeking to elevate their site navigation capabilities. Whether managing complex website structures or simplifying user browsing, module proves to be a versatile and reliable extension for enhancing the user experience.


Release date: 19-11-2014
Last updated: 28-02-2019
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Structure & Navigation
Compatibility: J3.x
Includes: Module
Language packs: English
Developer: RuxinCode

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