The extension is a comprehensive solution for personal page styling within Joomla, offering extensive features to customize your website effortlessly. It provides a user-friendly interface, giving users the flexibility to tailor their pages according to their preferences. With a wide array of styling options, it allows for a bespoke and professional look, enhancing the overall user experience significantly. It seamlessly integrates into Joomla, making it a convenient choice for users looking to enhance the visual appeal of their websites.

Extension Version: 2.69
Joomla extension Chameleon Pro

Extension Features

Enhancing Joomla users experience, the extension is a go-to tool for those seeking to stand out with unique and personalized page designs. Its intuitive design makes it easy for users to navigate and make quick changes without the need for extensive coding knowledge. By offering a range of customization features, it empowers users to create visually stunning websites that align with their brand identity seamlessly. The extensions compatibility with Joomla ensures a smooth and hassle-free integration process.

One of the standout features of the extension is its versatility in catering to different design requirements. Whether users are looking to revamp their entire website or make minor tweaks, it offers the tools needed to achieve the desired outcomes effectively. From changing colors and fonts to adjusting layout structures, users have the freedom to unleash their creativity and design aesthetically pleasing pages effortlessly. This level of customization sets the extension apart as a valuable asset for Joomla users seeking to elevate their websites.

Moreover, Chameleon Pro goes beyond basic styling options by providing advanced functionalities that cater to specific design needs. Users can access a variety of pre-designed templates and elements to streamline the design process further. This feature not only saves time but also ensures consistency in design across different pages. Additionally, the extensions responsive design capabilities enable users to create mobile-friendly websites, ensuring optimal performance across various devices.

In conclusion, the extension offers a comprehensive solution for Joomla users looking to personalize their websites effectively. Its user-friendly interface, extensive customization features, and compatibility with Joomla make it a valuable tool for enhancing the visual appeal of websites. By providing a seamless integration process and advanced design functionalities, the extension empowers users to create stunning and cohesive web designs that resonate with their target audience.


Release date: 19-11-2014
Last updated: 25-09-2019
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Style & Design
Compatibility: J3.x
Includes: Component
Language packs: English
Developer: MetaMod

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