This Joomla extension let you download Google fonts automatically to your server and use it instead of remote one, which makes all google fonts DSGVO compliant.

Extension Version: 1.0.0
Joomla extension Easy Local Google Fonts

Extension Features

The extension is a Google Fonts plugin for Joomla, offering a seamless way to integrate a wide variety of Google Fonts into Joomla websites. It simplifies the process of selecting and using Google Fonts, ensuring a visually appealing typography experience for Joomla users. Users can customize the fonts styles, weights, and other properties to suit their websites design requirements, enhancing the overall aesthetic and readability of the content.

This Joomla extension eliminates the need for manual integration of Google Fonts by providing a user-friendly interface within the Joomla platform. Through its intuitive controls, users can effortlessly browse, select, and apply Google Fonts to different sections of their website, including headings, paragraphs, buttons, and more. This streamlines the design process and enhances the websites visual appeal, making it stand out with unique and stylish typography choices.

By leveraging the power of Google Fonts, the extension enables Joomla users to access a vast library of high-quality fonts that are optimized for the web. This ensures that the selected fonts are displayed accurately across various browsers and devices, maintaining consistency and accessibility for all website visitors. The seamless integration of Google Fonts through this extension contributes to a better user experience and improved engagement on Joomla websites.

Moreover, Easy Local Google Fonts lightweight nature and optimized performance ensure that the addition of Google Fonts does not compromise the websites loading speed or overall performance. It adheres to best practices in web development, such as efficient loading mechanisms and caching strategies, to minimize any impact on the websites speed. This allows Joomla users to benefit from visually appealing typography without sacrificing performance or user experience on their websites.

In conclusion, this Joomla extension offers a convenient solution for integrating Google Fonts into Joomla websites effortlessly. It empowers users to enhance their websites design with attractive typography choices, all while maintaining performance optimization and user-friendly customization options. With this extension, Joomla users can elevate the visual appeal and readability of their websites with ease, making a lasting impression on visitors and optimizing their overall online presence.


Release date: 19-11-2014
Last updated: 05-07-2020
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Style & Design
Compatibility: J3.x
Includes: Plugin
Language packs: English
Developer: JoomBoost

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