EB Page Reading Progressbar is a Joomla extension that helps website visitors keep track of their progress while reading articles. This easy-to-use tool displays a progress bar at the top of the page, showing visitors how far theyve read and how much more content is left to come.

Extension Version: 1.3.0
Joomla extension EB Page Reading Progressbar

Extension Features

The extension is highly customizable and can be made to fit seamlessly with any Joomla theme. Users can choose from a range of different progress bar styles, including a horizontal bar, a circular gauge, or a simple page indicator. They can also customize the colors and sizes of the bar, as well as the position on the page.

One of the standout features of EB Page Reading Progressbar is its ability to work smoothly with different types of content. The progress bar adjusts itself based on the length of the content, so visitors will always have an accurate idea of how much they have left to read. It can even work with multimedia elements like videos and images, making it a versatile tool for any Joomla site.

Installing the module is a breeze, and the extension comes with detailed documentation to guide users through the setup process. Once installed, the tool is always running in the background, so visitors will automatically see the progress bar whenever they open an article or blog post.

One of the key benefits of the module is that it can help increase engagement and dwell time on a website. By giving visitors a clear sense of how much content they have left to read, theyre more likely to stay on the site longer and finish reading the article. This can lead to increased time on page metrics, lower bounce rates, and ultimately more conversions and leads.

The extension is also helpful for website owners who want to better understand their readers behavior. the module includes a built-in analytics dashboard that shows how many visitors are viewing articles, how far theyre reading, and more detailed information into their reading habits. This data can be incredibly valuable for optimizing content and improving user experience.

In conclusion, the module is a must-have extension for any Joomla site owner who wants to improve user engagement and better understand their readers. Its customizable design and seamless integration make it easy to use for both website visitors and owners, and the built-in analytics provide valuable insights into site performance.


Release date: 19-11-2014
Last updated: 14-11-2020
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Style & Design
Compatibility: J3.x
Includes: Module
Language packs: English
Developer: ExtnBakers

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