TC Animate on Scroll is a powerful extension for Joomla that enhances your website by adding scroll animations. With this extension, you can create visually appealing effects that engage your visitors and make your website more interactive. By animating elements as they come into view while scrolling, you can grab attention and create a memorable user experience.

Extension Version: 3.0.2
Joomla extension TC Animate on Scroll

Extension Features

By installing and configuring this extension on your Joomla website, you gain access to a variety of animation options. You can choose from a wide range of animation effects, including fade, slide, zoom, flip, rotate, and many more. Each effect can be customized to suit your needs, allowing you to control the duration, delay, and easing of the animation.

One of the key features of module is its flexibility. You can apply the scroll animations to any element on your website, whether its text, images, buttons, or even entire sections. This gives you the freedom to highlight important content, create eye-catching call-to-actions, or simply add a touch of creativity to your design.

Setting up the extension is a straightforward process. Once installed, you can access the settings through the Joomla administration panel. From there, you can enable or disable the animation for specific modules, articles, or menu items. You can also customize the animation settings for each individual element, allowing for a unique and tailored experience.

TC Animate on Scroll also provides advanced options for fine-tuning your animations. You can set up triggers to control when the animation starts, such as when the element is fully visible or when it reaches a specific position on the page. Additionally, you can apply different animations to the same element, creating complex and dynamic effects.

This extension is compatible with popular browsers and mobile devices, ensuring that your animations work smoothly across different platforms. It is also lightweight and optimized for performance, so you dont have to worry about your website slowing down.

In conclusion, TC Animate on Scroll is a versatile extension for Joomla that allows you to add stunning scroll animations to your website. With its wide range of animation effects and customizable options, you can create captivating and interactive experiences for your visitors. Whether you want to enhance your design, highlight important content, or simply add a touch of creativity, this extension is a valuable tool to have in your Joomla toolkit.


Release date: 19-11-2021
Last updated: 30-09-2017
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Style & Design
Compatibility: J2.5 J3.x
Includes: Module
Language packs: English
Developer: ThemesCreative

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