jUpgradePro is an extension of Joomla! that allows you to migrate the information you have stored easily between two different installations of Joomla!

Extension Version: 3.8.0
Joomla extension jUpgradePro

Extension Features

The extension for Joomla is a powerful tool that enables the seamless transfer of setting information within Joomla platforms. It simplifies the process of migrating websites by transferring critical data, configurations, and settings efficiently. This extension makes the typically complex task of transferring settings between Joomla instances a straightforward and manageable process, saving users significant time and effort.

The extension for Joomla eliminates the need for manual data migration by automating the transfer of crucial settings. It streamlines the process by ensuring that all configurations, preferences, and other vital data are accurately moved from one Joomla installation to another. This feature is invaluable for website developers, administrators, and individuals looking to replicate settings across various Joomla environments effortlessly.

Moreover, the component provides a user-friendly interface that enhances user experience and simplifies the overall migration process. It offers intuitive controls and prompts that guide users through the setting transfer, making it accessible even to those with limited technical expertise. This convenience ensures that users can seamlessly migrate settings without encountering unnecessary complexities or challenges.

Additionally, the component for Joomla is designed to maintain data integrity during the transfer process. It ensures that all information is securely transferred without loss or corruption, guaranteeing that the newly migrated Joomla installation mirrors the original settings accurately. This reliability and precision make the extension a trusted tool for ensuring consistency and continuity across Joomla websites.

In conclusion, jUpgradePro with its automated setting transfer capabilities, intuitive interface, and focus on data integrity, is an invaluable asset for users seeking efficient and reliable migration solutions within their Joomla environments. The extension simplifies the otherwise intricate process of transferring settings, empowering users to replicate configurations seamlessly across different Joomla instances with ease.


Release date: 19-11-2014
Last updated: 27-04-2018
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Tools
Compatibility: J3.x
Includes: Component Plugin
Language packs: English
Developer: Matias Aguirre

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