Deciding to create a website for your company, you must take responsibility as the embodiment of its design and to its interesting and useful for users functionality. Template ThemeForest Aaika is one of those options that can meet the needs of any person. Its pleasant interface and easy navigation can increase conversion of your website.

Template Version: 8.0.0
SafariJoomla template ThemeForest Aaika

Template Description

The ideology of this template is that it looks fairly solid, but at the same time elegant and simple. So to use it as the site of a large company is not recommended, but for small companies it fit perfectly. Template ThemeForest - Aaika will be a good solution for photo studios or freelancers Association that will be able to indicate all of their advantages, as well as post portfolio.

In this pattern, prevalent grey color, which once again underlines his businesslike style. Your choice this Joomla template offers 12 colors. The structure of the template is simple: navigation on the upper horizontal menu with a dropdown sub-items. The main page of template is implemented in the form of a copy of the landing page. It is possible to Express almost all the key points of the company that you want the user to know immediately. It is all animated, which makes the similarity with the landing page even more. It is divided into blocks, in which you can affect different aspects of your company or Association. It is really convenient.

These templates ThemeForest suitable for many. Because the main interest of the user, and the template Aaika will be able to make time to consider all of his flyouts. Once you start using this template, you will notice its positive effect on your old viewers and new users.

Template Features:

  • The template is constantly updated to the latest versions of Joomla!.
  • The presence of PSD files for easy changes to the design template.
  • QuickStart package - to quickly launch a fully customized site as a demo.
  • Actual and secure code, the latest versions of PHP and MySQL.
  • Support compression of JavaScript and CSS to speed up website.
  • Compliance with standards W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional and W3C CSS Valid.
  • Layout template contains 80+ positions for the location of the modules and 4 color suffix.
  • The theme covers a selection of 12 colours scheme of the site.
  • The ability to change the background image for the main color themes, template parameters.
  • Advanced typography for a custom design content.
  • Has support for Google fonts and RTL/LTR languages.
  • Several types of menus, Xpert Mega Menu, Dropline Menu, Split Menu, with smooth animation effects.
  • Includes support for CCK component of K2 content management, and other popular extensions.
  • Demo package with support version of CMS Joomla! 3.9.


Release date: 09-07-2015
Last updated: 16-02-2019
Type: Premium
Subject: Business Portfolio Corporate
Compatibility: J3.x
QuickStart: Joomla! 3.9
Developer: ThemeForest

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General Features:


Warp Framework

Easily customizable admin interface provides a rich set of tools to easily customize the layout and appearance of the website.

Responsive Design

Automatic template layout adaptation to any resolution desktop screens, laptops, mobile devices and tablets.


Modern web technologies offer a rich set of features and benefits. The template is designed using HTML5, CSS3, LESS, JQuery and Bootstrap.

Quick Start

Get started in minutes using the installation template with pre-configured extensions styles and demo content.


The absence of the rubble layout in all popular browsers, such as Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, Yandex browser, Netscape and Internet Explorer 9+.

SEO optimization

Template is fully optimized for SEO, which ensures seamless index and the presence of your website in search engines.


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