Total templates: 971

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Theme Junkie MagNow
Version: 1.0.2

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Version: 1.1.5

MyThemeShop Cool is a theme created specifically for WordPress news portals. It offers a sleek and modern design, ideal for presenting news articles professionally and engagingly. With a strong focus on user experience, the theme includes features that enhance readability and navigation, ensuring easy access to content for visitors. Its responsive layout seamlessly adapts to various screen sizes, making it visually appealing and accessible across different devices.

MyThemeShop Cool
Shape5 Charlestown
Version: 2.0.1

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Version: 2.1.10

The theme MyThemeShop Interactive is a versatile WordPress template designed for websites focusing on technology and electronics. Its modern and sleek design elements cater to the needs of portals in these industries. With a clean and professional layout, the theme offers a user-friendly interface that enhances the overall user experience. The color scheme and typography are carefully chosen to reflect the high-tech nature of technology and electronics websites, ensuring a cohesive and visually appealing design.

MyThemeShop Interactive
MyThemeShop MoneyFlow
Version: 1.2.11

MyThemeShop MoneyFlow is a theme designed for WordPress, catering to online work portals with a sleek and professional design that emphasizes functionality. It offers a variety of features tailored to the needs of online work platforms, making it a versatile option for creating robust and user-friendly websites for freelancers, job seekers, or employers in the online work sector.

Version: 2.0.1

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Shape5 Game World
MyThemeShop WordX
Version: 1.3.8

MyThemeShop WordX is a theme designed specifically for online news magazines using WordPress. It offers a clean and professional layout that is ideal for showcasing news articles and engaging readers. The theme is fully responsive, ensuring that the content looks great on all devices. With its intuitive customization options, users can easily personalize their news website to suit their branding and style preferences.


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ThemeForest Kappa
MyThemeShop NewsPaper
Version: 2.3.14

The theme offers a clean and professional look suitable for WordPress news portal templates. Its structured layout and responsive design make it ideal for displaying news articles, blog posts, and multimedia content. The themes color palette and typography can be customized to match the branding of a news website, creating a cohesive and engaging user experience. The inclusion of featured sections and advertisement spaces enhances the functionality of the theme for news portals, allowing for easy navigation and monetization opportunities. With its user-friendly interface and optimization for speed and SEO, the theme ensures a seamless and efficient browsing experience for both site visitors and administrators.

Version: 1.1.3

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ThemeForest Miao