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YouJoomla ProApps
Version: 1.0.2

Proapps template is characterized by a touch of modern design. It is best suited for sites entertainment topics, but also on the resources of another type it may come in handy. The template offers information in a very convenient way. Most of the main page is a wide slider, which switches the most interesting moments of the site (for example, in one of them you may be prompted to download the product). Here, a summary with pictures will be described in several main items, next to which is located the button "Read more".

Version: 1.2.0

Hitech universal template can be an excellent basis for the production of a website on any subject relevant to modern advanced technologies. It can be as official resource of the company, and a conventional website. Everything in the template will help to make the website productive with further development. Design template table, which is very convenient for a quick preview of everything that is presented in the website.

Vtem Hitech
YT Shortcode
Version: 5.0.0

YT Shortcode is an amazing tool for creating custom content, with a clear and simple interface that will help you easily add maps, forms, diagrams, buttons, gallery and much more to any page without knowing HTML and not touching any code.

Version: 1.4.3

Template MaxBiz2 - bright, clear, business. Maximum light, low romance is like a summer morning on Monday. For business people, any business areas: real estate, construction, heavy equipment. On the home page - a dynamic picture that sets the mood. The navigation panel is sensitive to the mouse. There is a search button - in the top of the page.

JoomlaBamboo MaxBiz2
OrdaSoft ModernShop
Version: 2.5.9

ModernShop template has a wonderful combination of modern design and pleasant colors. It was developed by professionals in the field of design and web development. This ensures not only that its clever design and functionality, but also stability, and ease of use. Its design allows to show the product in a good light, to ensure a high conversion rate.

Version: 3.3.6

EnergizeThemes News Cast is a news blog template designed specifically for Joomla. With its sleek and modern design, this template offers a visually appealing and user-friendly interface for creating a professional news website.

EnergizeThemes NewsCast
ZooTemplate Bravi
Version: 1.0.6

ZT Bravi template suitable for sites with entertaining topics. The template has five separate menu. Under it you can place multiple articles by adding pictures. At the bottom there are buttons of social networks. Template design is very attractive, the color scheme is pleasant, the structure is convenient both for users and for administrators. With this template Your site will look spectacular, to attract new visitors.

Version: 2.0.0

OT Metroshop template is a perfect variant for those who wants to own a simple and easy to use online store. On this Joomla site can successfully accommodate and kitchen utensils, and appliances. And, thanks to its intuitive interface, any visitor can quickly and easily find exactly the product that he needs. The design impresses with its strict shape and restraint in decoration, which emphasizes its solidity from the first seconds and inspires confidence to potential consumers.

OmegaTheme Metroshop
ThemeXpert Zenith
Version: 1.4.0

An unusual pattern Zenith will be a great advertising or selling resource for modern software components. Description high-quality hardware, or software offer, certainly, will be a success. And original screensaver with replaced images will attract attention when you first move. Large icons of categories and their convenient location will help you in no time to find the right page, and a practical search system allows navigation through a special line.

Version: 1.0.2

Developerbox template has a colorful design. Template developers say that they will fit into a portfolio site. The design of the template allows the website an effective look on any device. Integration of a large number of extensions allows you to use the resource sliders, latest tweets and much more. The menu will be presented in a convenient drop form. Site navigation is also provided by this template. Brief description in conjunction with cute icons on the main page will immediately draw the visitors ' attention on the content of the site.

YouJoomla DeveloperBox