Total templates: 68

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VirtuemartTemplates Flexo
Version: 3.8.10 / 3.2.14

Modern Flexo template with responsive layout and lots of thin, barely visible lines and the elements will be an excellent platform to launch a small online store with the prospect of gradual increase of the range and number of partitions. The plugins included in the template, will make a website really functional and convenient both for visitors and for the administrator.

Version: 3.8.10 / 3.2.14

Excellent to introduce your products in the pages of a modern online store Joomla template is able to Inspire. The gist of it is that in his design he tried to abandon the outdated elements and designed pages using modern trends with mass animation, a pop-up menu and focused on graphics and its appeal.

VirtuemartTemplates Inspire
VirtuemartTemplates Vivid
Version: 3.8.10 / 3.2.14

Creating unique and beautiful site in the world today is not an easy task. And when you need more control over the functionality, then the task becomes quite doable. Vivid template will solve your headache, allowing enjoy a pleasant interface and unique capabilities. Site management will become easy and comfortable, not when.

Version: 3.8.10 / 3.2.14

Transform - stylish template for an online store selling a variety of goods, from electronics to sports apparel. Design template designed in pleasant blue color and its shades. This template is a quality tool to create online store for any subject. This may be regional, or even international segasaturn store.

VirtuemartTemplates Transform
VirtuemartTemplates Avant
Version: 3.8.10 / 3.2.14

If you are looking for a powerful and functional tool for creating high-quality online store, it is best for you template Avant. It is good because it can introduce products to visitors of the site more fully and to provide all necessary functionality for comfortable purchase.

Version: 3.8.10 / 3.2.14

A truly functional and beautiful site for the online store you will help to create the Illusion Joomla template. The design and some of its items are aimed at the most advantageous supply of products to the visitors. Use of this website will be really comfortable due to the presence of a large number of auxiliary elements and sophisticated navigation.

VirtuemartTemplates Illusion
VirtuemartTemplates Axxen
Version: 3.8.10 / 3.2.14

Here is another development of VirtuemartTemplates - stylish and colorful template Axxen. The layout used different colors that makes the design expressive, original, bright style. The template is characterized by its simplicity, here are a lot of articles and media files. On site registration own account. In the section "Our blog" publishes information about the company.

Version: 3.8.10 / 3.2.14

For even more customers to notice your store and opted for the top-end products, use a template, Invent. It will be the perfect setting for online store virtually any subject, offers visitors a really comfortable interface and a lot of support tools for the selection and purchase.

VirtuemartTemplates Invent
VirtuemartTemplates Impress
Version: 3.8.10 / 3.2.14

The development of e-Commerce creating your own website takes a lot of time. Given the current trends in the content business, there is the question of the rapid development of the Internet resource. Template Impress will be for you the right way out of the situation when you want a powerful tool for Internet sales, and time on understanding all the details a little.

Version: 3.8.10 / 3.2.14

Template is a modern and presentable Sensitive; designed specifically for Joomla and Virtuemart. He captivates its users the ease of setup and the variety of options and styles to create a unique web page. The main features of this template that will help You create a professional web site are six colorful styles of the website of Your choice, attractive slider with images, designer buttons and tabs, as well as the original slider with customer reviews.

VirtuemartTemplates Sensitive