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RocketTheme Citadel
Version: 1.3.3

A common misconception that a site can only be done by a programmer is still there. Of course, development from scratch is a time consuming process and can last a very long time. It happens that after the opening of the site there are unresolved issues and have to be completed. But all this should not concern you, as it is possible to obtain an attractive resource without outside help. To do this, you need a Citadel template.

Version: 1.5.0

Template RT Citadel can rightly be considered the owner of one of the most creative and versatile styles among its counterparts. Incorporating an extravagant color palette, the trendy user interface with lots of options the settings pop-up Windows, menus, and their content, this layout takes pride of place among templates for personal and public sites.

RocketTheme Citadel
ThemeForest Animo
Version: 1.3.0

The template description is prepared.

Version: 5.1.0

The Hot Transport template is an original solution for creating sites of small and large companies for transport and storage of goods. This template is equipped with all the necessary features to quickly launch fully functional website. In addition, the template is fully responsive, so works well across all screen sizes, including high resolution displays Retina.

HotThemes Transport
ThemeForest VEDA
Version: 4.0.0

The template description is prepared.

Version: 2.1.4

JoomLead Meta is a Joomla template designed specifically for creative studios. This template offers a wide range of features and customization options, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a visually stunning and functional website.

JoomLead Meta
ThemeForest Vlog
Version: 2.5.1

The template description is prepared.

Version: 1.3.0

The template description is prepared.

ThemeForest Kids
ThemeForest Riven
Version: 2.3.9

The template description is prepared.

Version: 1.0.0

Thanks to the advent of ready-made wrappers for web sources is no longer required to learn independently and to spend weeks writing a website to become the owner of a modern web page. A good example of this theme JP Pure developed by a team of professional web programmers who want to empower inexperienced users management and configuration of their sites. Therefore, the product is equipped with everything needed for a quick start over the look and capabilities of your network project.

JoomlaPlates Pure