WPML GraphQL provides an essential functionality by seamlessly integrating multilingual capabilities into the WPGraphQL schema for WordPress. By effectively bridging the gap between the WPML plugin and the GraphQL API, this plugin enhances the multilingual experience for users and developers alike. With the ability to retrieve and manipulate multilingual content using GraphQL queries, this plugin significantly simplifies the process of creating, managing, and displaying content in multiple languages within a WordPress site.

Plugin Version: 1.0.0
WordPress plugin WPML GraphQL

Plugin Features

One of the key advantages of this plugin is its ability to extend the capabilities of the WPGraphQL plugin, which acts as a GraphQL layer for WordPress. By integrating seamlessly with WPML, this plugin allows users to access translations of content, such as posts, pages, custom post types, taxonomies, and more, using GraphQL queries. This makes it easier to retrieve and display translated content without the need for complex programming or additional plugins.

WPML GraphQL provides a comprehensive set of features for managing multilingual content. Users can create translations for existing content or create new content directly in the desired language. This flexibility allows content creators to seamlessly work with translations in their preferred language, making the localization process more efficient and convenient.

The plugin also offers robust support for language-specific content filtering. With this feature, users can retrieve content specific to a particular language, eliminating the need to manually filter through large amounts of content to find the desired translations. This not only saves time but also improves the overall performance of the website by reducing unnecessary data requests.

The integrations provided by this plugin ensure compatibility with other popular WordPress plugins and themes. This means that users can enjoy the benefits of multilingual content management without sacrificing the functionality and features provided by their preferred plugins or themes. The plugin seamlessly integrates with popular page builders, custom post type plugins, and e-commerce plugins, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free multilingual experience.

Furthermore, WPML GraphQL offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface for managing translations. Users can easily switch between languages, edit translations, or add new translations for various content elements. The translation management interface is designed to be simple and straightforward, eliminating the need for extensive training or technical knowledge.

In summary, this plugin is an invaluable tool for WordPress users looking to enhance their websites with multilingual capabilities. By seamlessly integrating WPML with WPGraphQL, this plugin streamlines the process of managing and displaying multilingual content, providing a smooth and efficient experience for both users and developers. With its robust features, compatibility with other plugins, and user-friendly interface, this plugin is a must-have for anyone aiming to create a truly global WordPress website.


Release date: 19-05-2023
Last updated: 19-05-2023
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Languages
Compatibility: W5.x W6.x
Includes: Plugin
Language packs: English
Developer: -

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