WPML Media is a translation plugin for WordPress that allows users to seamlessly translate media files within their website. This plugin, developed with the intention of providing a comprehensive solution for multilingual websites, works in conjunction with the WPML plugin to ensure an efficient and streamlined translation process.

Plugin Version: 2.7.3
WordPress plugin WPML Media

Plugin Features

With this plugin, users can translate images, videos, audio files, and other media elements while preserving their original format and quality. This ensures that the translated versions of these media files are fully integrated into the website, creating a cohesive and professional appearance.

The plugin offers a user-friendly interface that simplifies the translation process. Users can conveniently manage all translated media files in one central location, making it easy to update, replace, or delete files as needed. Additionally, this plugin supports various file formats, allowing users to translate a wide range of media content without any hassle.

One of the key benefits of this plugin is its compatibility with popular page builders and media libraries. This ensures that users can seamlessly translate media files regardless of the tools they use to create and manage their website. WPML Media also provides compatibility with major WordPress themes, making it a versatile and flexible choice for website owners.

In addition to its media translation capabilities, this plugin includes features that optimize the overall translation process. Users can leverage automatic translation services to speed up the translation of their media files. Furthermore, this plugin supports translation management, allowing users to assign specific translators or translation services for each media file.

By utilizing WPML Media, website owners can create a truly global experience for their visitors. The ability to translate media files ensures that the content remains accessible and engaging for all users, regardless of their preferred language. This plugin integrates seamlessly with WordPress and other popular plugins, making it an excellent choice for those seeking to enhance the multilingual capabilities of their websites.

Overall, WPML Media is an indispensable plugin for WordPress users who want to provide an immersive and localized experience for their global audience. With its extensive features and seamless integration, this plugin simplifies the translation process for media files and helps create a cohesive and consistent website experience across multiple languages.


Release date: 11-10-2020
Last updated: 21-06-2023
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Languages
Compatibility: W5.x W6.x
Includes: Plugin
Language packs: English
Developer: -

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