Total templates: 102

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CSSIgniter Neuton
Version: 1.8.1

The theme serves as a solution targeting WordPress websites within the news portal niche. It embodies a sleek and modern design philosophy, emphasizing readability and user engagement. Its layout combines elegance with functionality, creating a seamless experience for both content creators and site visitors. The themes color scheme is carefully curated to enhance the overall aesthetics while maintaining a professional look suitable for news-oriented platforms.

Version: 1.6

CSSIgniter Memories is a theme designed for WordPress websites with a focus on creating a photosite experience. This unique theme offers a range of features and functionalities that cater specifically to websites looking to showcase photography in a visually appealing and user-friendly manner. With its intuitive design and comprehensive set of tools, users can create stunning photo galleries, share memories, and engage visitors effectively.

CSSIgniter Memories
CSSIgniter Kontrol
Version: 1.7

The theme CSSIgniter Kontrol is a musical template designed for WordPress, catering to a specific niche. It offers a unique blend of features tailored to meet users needs in creating websites related to music, bands, concerts, or other musical endeavors. Providing a seamless and intuitive experience, the theme focuses on customization options and elements that resonate with the music industry.

Version: 1.7

CSSIgniter Botanic is a theme designed for a personal blog in WordPress. It offers a fresh and nature-inspired design that is both aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly. The theme presents a harmonious blend of elements, including a clean layout, elegant typography, and intuitive navigation, perfect for creating engaging content in a personal blog setting.

CSSIgniter Botanic
CSSIgniter Hermoso
Version: 1.7

CSSIgniter Hermoso is a theme created for WordPress, serving as a personal blog template that offers a wide range of features to enhance the blogging experience. The layout and design elements of this theme are carefully crafted to provide bloggers with a visually appealing and user-friendly platform to share their thoughts and connect with their audience.

Version: 2.0.5

The CSSIgniter Beaute theme is a WordPress theme tailored for beauty salon templates. This theme boasts a range of features designed to elevate the aesthetic appeal and functionality of beauty and wellness-related websites. From its elegant design elements to its user-friendly interface, this theme is crafted to meet the specific needs of beauty salon businesses looking to establish a strong online presence.

CSSIgniter Beaute
CSSIgniter Medi
Version: 1.1.4

Introducing a dynamic WordPress theme specifically designed for a private clinic, this template offers a comprehensive solution for creating a professional and functional website tailored to the healthcare industry. With a clean and modern design, this theme provides a user-friendly experience for both clinic administrators and patients alike. The theme seamlessly integrates various features and functionalities to streamline appointment scheduling, showcase medical services, and provide essential information about the clinic.

Version: 2.1.2

In the vibrant world of WordPress themes, the theme designed for a church stands out for its unique and tailored functionality. Crafted with precision and care, this theme offers a seamless user experience for church websites. From elegant design elements to intuitive navigation, this theme exudes a sense of reverence and community, creating a digital ambiance that resonates with the spiritual essence of a church. Its thoughtful features cater to the specific needs of a church website, ensuring a harmonious blend of aesthetics and practicality. With a focus on enhancing the online presence of a church, this theme provides a compelling platform for sharing information, events, and sermons with the congregation and beyond.

CSSIgniter Prayer
CSSIgniter Tinos
Version: 1.7.1

CSSIgniter Tinos is a theme designed as a personal blog template for WordPress, providing a seamless platform for individuals to express their thoughts and share content online. Its clean layout and user-friendly interface make it an ideal choice for bloggers aiming to create a unique and engaging online presence. The intuitive design of this theme allows users to focus on creating compelling content without worrying about complex technicalities. With a sleek and modern aesthetic, it offers a visually appealing framework for showcasing posts and connecting with the audience effectively.

Version: 2.0.0

The theme CSSIgniter Berliner is a WordPress template designed with a musical focus, offering unique elements and features tailored for websites related to the music industry. Its design elements, layout, and color scheme are carefully crafted to reflect the vibrancy and creativity associated with musical themes. Ideal for musicians, bands, music labels, music festivals, and any other entities in the music sector looking to establish a strong online presence.

CSSIgniter Berliner