Total templates: 88

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ElegantThemes eNews
Version: 4.9.13

ElegantThemes eNews is a versatile theme tailored for WordPress news blog templates. This theme integrates a sleek design focused on readability and user-friendly navigation, specifically catering to news-based websites within the WordPress ecosystem. With a clean and modern layout, it offers a seamless reading experience for visitors interested in consuming news content.

Version: 7.0.7

ElegantThemes ePhoto is a theme tailored for WordPress users looking to create a striking portfolio template. With a focus on showcasing images and projects in a visually appealing manner, this solution is ideal for photographers, designers, and other creatives aiming to display their work elegantly. The design of this template is clean and modern, with a user-friendly interface that allows for easy customization to suit individual preferences. Its responsive layout ensures that the portfolio looks great on various devices, making it accessible to a wider audience.

ElegantThemes ePhoto
ElegantThemes MyApp
Version: 4.4.7

ElegantThemes MyApp is a theme tailored for WordPress, designed specifically as a business template, offering a sleek and professional aesthetic for corporate websites. Its layout and elements are thoughtfully crafted to meet the unique needs of businesses, showcasing a blend of functionality and elegance. The color scheme, typography, and design elements are optimized to create a sophisticated online presence for companies looking to establish a strong digital footprint.

Version: 4.3.13

ElegantThemes LightSource is a theme designed as a WordPress template for blogs. The layout of the theme focuses on enhancing the visual appeal and user experience of a blog website. It incorporates a clean and modern design to provide a professional look and feel to the blog platform, catering to bloggers looking to showcase their content effectively.

ElegantThemes LightSource
ElegantThemes eGamer
Version: 6.3.13

ElegantThemes eGamer is a theme that caters to the gaming community within the WordPress ecosystem. It offers a comprehensive set of features designed to create a vibrant and interactive gaming portal while maintaining a user-friendly experience for both site administrators and visitors. The layout of this theme is optimized to showcase gaming content effectively, with sections for featured games, news updates, reviews, and multimedia elements such as videos and images. By incorporating these elements, the theme enables site owners to curate a diverse range of gaming-related content to keep their audience engaged and coming back for more.

Version: 6.7.13

ElegantThemes ColdStone is a theme template tailored for WordPress blogs. This theme offers a sleek and modern design with a focus on user experience and visual appeal. Its customizable features allow for easy branding and personalization, making it an ideal choice for various blog niches. The responsive layout ensures that the content is displayed beautifully across all devices, enhancing accessibility for readers.

ElegantThemes ColdStone
ElegantThemes eBusiness
Version: 6.8.7

ElegantThemes eBusiness is a theme tailored for businesses seeking a WordPress template that exudes professionalism and modernity. Boasting a sleek and contemporary design, the theme is tailored to meet the specific needs of businesses operating in the digital realm. From its clean layout to its intuitive navigation, it aims to provide users with a seamless experience that enhances their online presence and fosters brand credibility.

Version: 4.7.7

ElegantThemes eGallery is a theme designed specifically for users seeking a portfolio template for WordPress. It offers a broad range of features tailored to showcase portfolios in an organized and visually appealing manner. With a sleek design and an intuitive interface, this theme empowers users to create stunning portfolios that captivate visitors and effectively display their work.

ElegantThemes eGallery
ElegantThemes Basic
Version: 6.5.7

ElegantThemes Basic is a WordPress theme tailored for creating personal blogs. It offers a sleek and modern design with a focus on enhancing the blogging experience for users. The layout is clean and uncluttered, making it easy to showcase content effectively and engage with the audience. The user-friendly interface provides customization options to personalize the blog to reflect the bloggers unique style and branding.

Version: 6.5.7

ElegantThemes Bold is a WordPress theme template designed with bloggers in mind. It offers a sleek and modern design focused on readability and visual appeal, featuring a clean layout and intuitive navigation for creating engaging blog content without compromising aesthetics.

ElegantThemes Bold